It looks like it.
This morning, a photo of a man who looks like a Yevgeny Prigozhin sitting in his underwear on a bed in a tent appeared in pro-war Telegram channels. The channel, which first published the photo at 11:52 a.m., initially wrote that the photo appeared in one of the chat rooms and “in the metadata of the original photo, the date of capture is June 12, 7.24 a.m.”. However, the post was later edited and June was changed to July.
Let’s assume that this photo was really taken on July 12 at 7:24 and in this case Yevgeny Prigozhin was really in the camp near Asipovichy, or rather he spent the night there.
Look, on July 11, we wrote that Prigozhin’s board flew to Belarus for the 3rd time. He landed in Machulishchy at 19:40. After this, at 20:05, two helicopters flew from Machulishchy airfield to the Asipovichy area: Mi-24 and Mi-8 of the Belarusian Air Force.
On the next day, July 12, Mi-24 and Mi-8 helicopters again flew to the Asipovichy area from Machulishchy, and returned at 14:27 and 14:30. Most importantly that 2 hours and 20 minutes later, Prigozhin’s board flew from Machulishchy to St. Petersburg.
In other words, if this photo was really taken on 12.07 at 7:24, it fully confirms that Prigozhin flew to Machulishchy in the evening of July 11, was taken by helicopter to the tent camp in the Tsel village, spent the night there and left Machulishchy the next day.
We should also note that other photos from the tent camp near Asipovichy also show the floor covered with chipboard, the tents also have square windows with cross lintel and white-colored tents.
We suspected that Prigozhin had inspected the tent camp a few days ago and we shared the data with our partners in a closed report.