Military activity

Military activity on the territory of Belarus on July 29-August 4

August 6, 2024 6 minutes to read

Aviation activity, movements of the troops by rail and roads in Belarus.

Transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces arrived twice at Baranavichy airfield. Another rotation of units of the Russian Armed Forces stationed in Homiel region took place.

The repair of the runway at Machulishchy airfield was completed. In the near future, repair work will also take place at Lida and Baranavichy airfields.

Aviation activity

Aviation activity was recorded at Machulishchy, Lida, Baranavichy, Babruisk, Luninets airfields and at Homiel airport. Flights of aircraft and helicopters of the Belarusian Air Force and Russian Aerospace Forces were recorded.

Belarusian Air Force

  • On July 30, two Mi-8 helicopters of the Belarusian Air Force flew from Machulishchy airfield to Luninets. On August 2, the helicopters flew back to Machulishchy airfield.
  • On July 31 (from 00:00 to 01:40), a Su-30SM fighter of the Belarusian Air Force was recorded flying at Baranavichy airfield in the south of Belarus. The aircraft was flying to intercept Russian drones of the Shahed-136/131 type.
  • On July 31, a Mi-24 helicopter of the Belarusian Air Force arrived at Babruisk airfield from Machulishchy airfield. The helicopter was in Babruisk from early morning until evening.
  • On August 2, 2 Il-76 military transport aircraft, a Tu-134 passenger aircraft, and 3 An-26 military transport aircraft flew from Baranavichy airfield to Machulishchy airfield.
  • On August 3, a Mi-24 helicopter of the Belarusian Air Force flew from Machulishchy airfield to Homiel airport. The helicopter made an intermediate stop in Babruisk.
  • Separately, we can note aviation activity related to Lukashenka’s visits to Mazyr district (August 2) and Petrykau district (August 3) of Homiel region.

Russian Aerospace Forces

  • On July 30, an An-12 military transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces arrived at Homiel airport from Russia. On July 31, the aircraft flew back to Russia.
  • On July 30 and 31, flights of fighters of the Russian Aerospace Forces were recorded at Baranavichy airfield.
  • On August 1, an An-72 transport aircraft / An-148 passenger aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces arrived at Baranavichy airfield from Russia.

Rail activity

On August 1, a military cargo train with equipment of the 111th Artillery Brigade was being formed at Palonka station. The units were returning to their permanent deployment point after the field drills.

Movements by road

  • Single vehicles of the Russian Armed Forces were spotted in Mazyr district. The movements were related to the activities of the anti-aircraft missile divizion of the 1530th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment of the Russian Armed Forces, deployed at Mazyr (Bokau) airfield.
  • Large convoys (10+ pieces) and single vehicles of the Belarusian Armed Forces were spotted in Slonim, Navapolatsk, and on some sections of the М1, R31 and other highways.
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General conclusion on current situation

1) An-12 military transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces arrived at Homiel airport from Russia again. It is possible that the arrival of the aircraft may be connected with another rotation of the Russian contingent located at Ziabrauka and Mazyr (Bokau) airfields. Previously, we recorded the rotation of the Russian military in December 2023, March and June 2024.

2) The flight of aircraft of the Belarusian Air Force from Baranavichy to Machulishchy on August 2 indicates that the repair of the runway has been completed. We recall that repair work at Machulishchy airfield started in mid-July. Runway repairs are also planned for 2024 at Lida and Baranavichy airfields.