Military activity

Military activity on the territory of Belarus on July 4

July 4, 2023 5 minutes to read

The main military events on July 4.

Aviation activity

  • Aviation activity was recorded at Machulishchy and Luniniets airfields. Flights of aircraft and helicopters of the Belarusian Air Force and Russian Aerospace Forces were recorded.

Rail activity

  • A military cargo train with equipment and personnel of the Russian Armed Forces was spotted between Baranavichy and Ivatsevichy.
  • A military cargo train with equipment of the Russian Armed Forces was spotted at Orsha station.
  • Military cargo trains with equipment and personnel of the Russian Armed Forces were being formed and unloaded at Palonka station.
  • A military cargo train with equipment of the Belarusian Armed Forces was being formed at Aziaryshcha station.

Movements by road

  • No large columns (10+ pieces) with military vehicles of the Russian Armed Forces were recorded. Single vehicles and small columns of the Russian Armed Forces were spotted on some sections of the M3 highway.
  • No large columns (10+ pieces) with military vehicles of the Belarusian Armed Forces were recorded. Single vehicles and small columns of the Belarusian Armed Forces were spotted in Minsk and on some sections of the R63 highway.
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General conclusion

The conclusion on the situation made in the report for July 3 remains valid.

Rail activity of the Russian Armed Forces continues to be recorded. Based on the available information, we can conclude that trains with personnel and equipment of the Russian Armed Forces not only leave Belarus, but also arrive there. Such activity is typical for the rotation of the Russian contingent stationed in Belarus. Thus, we can state that another (the fourth in 2023) rotation of the Russian Armed Forces started on July 2.

As before, the rotation is as follows: trained Russian units are sent from Belarus to the combat zone, and new Russian servicemen (mobilized, volunteers) arrive from Russia to train at the training grounds of the Belarusian Armed Forces.

We recall that the previous (third) rotation of the contingent of the Russian Armed Forces in Belarus took place from May 12 to June 6 (the main phase — from May 12 to May 25).

Changes in the size of the group of the Russian Armed Forces in Belarus: being clarified.

Online map of military activity in Belarus