September 30, 2024 more than an hour to read

Combat training, activities of the Internal Troops and territorial defense.

During the week, 5 Russian Shahed-136/131 drones flew into the territory of Belarus. It was the first time that a drone from Russia flew in. Fighters of the Belarusian Air Force were used to intercept the drones.

On September 24-25, a delegation from Iran visited a number of educational institutions in Belarus. As part of the visits, the Iranian military studied the capabilities of the Military Academy and military faculties of civilian universities to train specialists for the needs of their Armed Forces.

In 2024, the Belarusian Armed Forces received the Chekan B and Berkut-3 drones. Training of the 231st Artillery Brigade’s crews to operate the V-200 Polonez MLRS is also ongoing.

A new unit staffed with contract servicemen was established in the Belarusian Armed Forces. It is also planned to establish specialized units for the use of drones within the army.

In the near future, artificial pavements will be repaired at Machulishchy, Baranavichy, Babruisk and Barautsy airfields. In total, 5 out of 7 military airfields of Belarus will be repaired in 2024.

Escalation on the border with Ukraine

In mid-September, Tor-M2K SAM systems of the 15th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade (military unit 30151) were deployed in the vicinity of Huryny (Mazyr district). Fire position of the SAM systems is located 9 kilometers from the Mazyr oil refinery. We may assume that the unit performs the task of covering the refinery from air attacks. The redeployment of Tor-M2K SAM systems to cover the Mazyr refinery was reported back in April 2024.

On September 24, it was reported that one of the tank battalions (the 52nd Separate Tank Battalion of the 6th Mechanized Brigade) of the Western Operational Command “successfully completed the task of reinforcing a section of the Belarusian state border,” marched in a combined manner, and arrived at the Hozhski training ground. In the coming weeks, the soldiers will undergo combat training exercises. They will end with battalion tactical drills.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 23-29 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On September 28, it was reported that servicemen of the 38th Air Assault Brigade visited a secondary school in Kalinkavichy. An exhibition of weapons and military equipment was organized for the students.

International cooperation

On September 24-26, the XIII plenum of the International Union of the CIS Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy (DOSAAF) was held in Minsk. The plenum was attended by delegations from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of state and military administration bodies. The participants discussed the key directions of DOSAAF development in Belarus in modern conditions, as well as the activities of DOSAAF of Russia in strengthening military security.

On September 24-27, representatives of the Military Institute (Railway Forces and Military Communications) of Russia visited the Military Transport Faculty of Belarusian State University of Transport (BelSUT). A round table and a number of lectures were held with the participation of servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces. Officers and cadets of the Military Transport Faculty of BelSUT gained experience in “applying knowledge taking into account its use during [the war in Ukraine].”

On September 24-27, 2024, representatives of the Military Transport Faculty of BelSUT were at the Military Institute (Railway Forces and Military Communications) of Russia. During the visit, they held a series of lectures on the academic disciplines “Construction of Artificial Structures”, “Restoration of Artificial Structures”, etc. The representatives of the Belarusian Armed Forces got acquainted with the achievements in the field of construction and rehabilitation of artificial structures used during the [war in Ukraine].

On September 24, it was reported that representatives of the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences visited the Research Institute of the Belarusian Armed Forces. The delegation got acquainted with the activities of the institute and organized an exhibition of the main results of scientific research. The participants of the meeting discussed prospects for further cooperation.

The Belarusian military delegation headed by Chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces Pavel Muraveika took part in the 5th International Defense Exhibition “ADEX-2024” held in Baku (Azerbaijan). On September 25, the head of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces met with Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov on the margins of the ADEX-2024 exhibition. The parties discussed the current state of cooperation between the two states in military and military-technical fields and exchanged views on ways to expand bilateral interaction.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 23-29 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

During the ADEX-2024 exhibition, Dzmitry Pantus, the Chairman of the State Authority for Military Industry, held a meeting with the Minister of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan. As a result of the meeting, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Belspetsvneshtekhnika company (note: engaged in modernization and export of weapons) and the Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan. It was also reported that the leadership of the State Authority for Military Industry met: 1) with the Deputy Defense Minister of Azerbaijan (they discussed the implementation of existing contracts, as well as the implementation of prospective projects); 2) with the Director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation of Russia (they discussed the adjustment of the regulatory legal framework in order to optimize and accelerate the timing of mutual deliveries of military products). 

On September 24-25, a delegation headed by Seyed Yosef Molayi Andabil, the Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Training and Military Education of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, visited military educational institutions of Belarus. Within the framework of the visit to the Military Academy, the Iranian military got acquainted with the training of specialists at the General Staff Faculty. The possibilities of “training specialists in the field of communications” were discussed at the BSUIR Military Faculty.

During the visit to the Military-Technical Faculty of BNTU, the Iranian military got acquainted with the faculty’s capabilities to train the Iranian Armed Forces. The delegation was presented with the faculty’s training facilities, the latest weapons and equipment of the Belarusian Armed Forces, and training simulators. It was also reported that the delegation visited the Military Faculty of Belarusian State Aviation Academy.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 23-29 State Border Committee of Belarus

On September 25, it was reported that a working meeting of representatives of the Signal Troops of the Belarusian Armed Forces and the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan was held in Minsk. During the round table, the parties discussed the organization of communication, the use of communication units and outlined the prospects for further bilateral cooperation. It was reported that the delegation visited a unit of the Belarusian Armed Forces.

On September 26, it was reported that the XXI Meeting of the Expert Working Group of the Meeting of Defense Ministers of the SCO member states was held in Beijing. The meeting was attended by a delegation of the Belarusian Armed Forces headed by the Chief of Staff of the International Military Cooperation Department. During the meeting, they discussed the issues of strengthening regional and international security in the SCO area, as well as the program of activities of the Expert Working Group for 2025.

On September 28, on the margins of the UN General Assembly, Belarusian Foreign Minister Maksim Ryzhankou said that Belarus and Russia were planning to sign a treaty on security guarantees by the 25th anniversary of the formation of the so-called “Union State”. One of the clauses of the treaty will reflect the use of nuclear weapons.

Combat training

On September 24, combat training exercises were conducted in the reconnaissance battalion of the 6th Mechanized Brigade. During the training, the personnel performed a number of tasks aimed at improving operational response and interaction skills. A tactical training was also conducted, during which the servicemen got acquainted with the new standards for performing combat missions.

On September 24, Lukashenka stated the need to “shake up and bring [the army] to an ideal condition.” The Belarusian Armed Forces and other elements of Belarus’ power bloc should be tested during the “winter period.”

On September 25, it was reported that a tactical training session with commanders of units of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces was being held at the Damanava training ground under the leadership of Air Force and Air Defense Forces Commander Andrei Lukyanovich. During the training session, exercises were held on the organization of access control, accommodation of personnel in the field, organization of storage of missiles and ammunition, protection of military equipment and personnel from UAVs. There was also a practical exercise on repelling an attack by enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 23-29 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On September 26, it was reported that as part of the training session, unit commanders practiced overcoming mine and explosive barriers, as well as small arms skills by firing MR-155 hunting rifle, Kalashnikov assault rifle, RPG-7 hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher and Igla MANPADS.

On September 26, servicemen of the peacekeeping company of the 103rd Airborne Brigade and one of the OMON units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus went to Kazakhstan to participate in the “Unbreakable Brotherhood-2024” command-staff drills with the CSTO collective peacekeeping forces. The maneuvers will be the final stage of the complex of joint drills held by the CSTO in 2024. During the drills, it is planned to practice the preparation and conduct of a peacekeeping operation by the CSTO Collective Peacekeeping Forces.

On September 26, a conference “Topical Issues of Military Medicine” was held with the 1134th Military Clinical Medical Center in Hrodna. The conference included reports on the peculiarities of treatment of patients with gunshot injuries, surgical tactics for bullet and mine blast injuries, modern principles of transfusiological care in trauma.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 23-29 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

The II conference “Military Medicine. History and Modernity” was held at Vitsiebsk State Medical University. The event is held in order to generalize the experience of modern methods of training military doctors and doctors-specialists of disaster medicine in emergency situations, to exchange experience and the latest achievements of military medicine. The relevance of the conference is determined by the fact that “the situation around Belarus forces to accelerate the modernization of the medical support system taking into account the experience of combat operations.”

A special training with a unit of the 231st Artillery Brigade was held at the Asipovichski training ground. During the training, servicemen fired from the 2S5 Giatsint-S self-propelled guns at direct fire and from closed firing positions. They also practised occupying and changing firing positions, working with communications equipment and cooperating with UAV units.

Control exercises were conducted in one of the motorized rifle companies of the 78th Separate Mechanized Battalion under the supervision of the Chief Military Inspectorate. During the control inspection, the personnel were trained in engineering, medical and firearms training.

Tactical training exercises are being conducted with the personnel of the 191st Artillery Group of the 19th Mechanized Brigade. During the exercises, the transportation of troops by rail will be practised. Servicemen are once again practicing loading equipment onto flatcars.

Military commissariats and territorial defense

Military commissariats

On September 23-25, commissions of military commissariats of Kobryn, Zhabinka and Malaryta districts inspected mobilization readiness to provide vehicles in 5 organizations. During the inspection, the commissions paid attention to the technical condition of vehicles, availability, correctness and timeliness of documentation, as well as staffing with necessary spare parts.

On September 24, the commission of the military commissariat of Kobryn and Zhabinka districts inspected the state of military registration and reservation of conscripts in two organizations.

On September 25, as part of participation in the joint mobilization training, the military commissariat of Mstislaul district held training sessions on the protection and defense of the military commissariat with the involvement of conscripts. During the training, they practiced the techniques of preparation for combat from different positions, as well as the order of inspection and passage of vehicles to the territory of the military commissariat.

Military training sessions

A training session with reserve officers is being held in the 115th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment.  5 reservists were drafted.

A regular training session is being held in the 7th Engineering Regiment. 10 reservists were drafted.

On September 24, the military commissariat of Kletsk district sent 13 conscripts to a training session.

On September 27, a training session with a mobile border outpost (reserve) was completed. The training session was held for a month on the basis of the training center of the Institute of Border Service and the Lida border guard detachment. The military commissariat of Hrodna and Hrodna district drafted 35 conscripts.

On September 27, 2 reservists arrived at the military commissariat of Kletsk district after the training session.

On September 27, a regular training session was completed in the 557th Engineering Brigade. At least 50 reservists were drafted.

Conscription for compulsory military service.

The military commissariat of Zelva district is planning to draft 18 people for compulsory service during the fall 2024 conscription.

The military commissariat of Barysau and Krupki districts is planning to draft 150 people for compulsory military service during the fall 2024 conscription. It was noted that “70% of citizens of conscription age will undergo military service under contract.”

During the fall 2024 conscription, about 200 people from Babruisk district are planned to be drafted for compulsory service.

During the fall 2024 conscription, about 30 people from Lepel district are planned to be drafted for compulsory service.

During the fall 2024 conscription, about 2000 people from Minsk are planned to be drafted for compulsory military service. According to the military commissariat of Frunzenski district of Minsk, “a lot of young people are also willing to serve under contract.”

On September 20, the military commissariat of Brest city and Brest district held an open mobile trial on the criminal case of evasion from conscription for compulsory military service (part 1 of Article 435 of the Criminal Code). The court found the citizen guilty and sentenced him to 360 hours of community service.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 23-29 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On September 24, the military commissariat of Vitsiebsk city, Vitsiebsk and Liozna districts held an open mobile trial on the criminal case of evasion of conscription (part 1 of Article 435 of the Criminal Code). The court found the citizen guilty and sentenced him to 3 months of arrest.

On September 24, the military commissariat of Baranavichy, Baranavichy and Liakhavichy districts held an open mobile trial on the criminal case of evasion of conscription (part 1 of Article 435 of the Criminal Code). The court found the citizen guilty and fined him $870 (2800 BYN).

During the week, servicemen of the 11th Mechanized Brigade held meetings in the military commissariats of Kobryn and Zhabinka districts, Luninets and Hantsavichy districts (Brest region), Kastrychnitski and Frunzenski districts (Minsk). At the meetings, representatives of the brigade told about the possibility of military service under contract.

During the week, servicemen of the 6th Mechanized Brigade held meetings in the military commissariats of Pinsk and Pinsk district (Brest region), Vitsiebsk (Vitsiebsk region), Rechytsa and Loyeu districts (Homiel region), and Vileika district (Minsk region). At the meetings, representatives of the brigade told about the possibility of military service under contract.

Conscription of reserve officers.

On September 23, the military commissariat of Horki and Drybin districts drafted 2 reserve officers for military service.

On September 24, the military commissariat of Partyzanski district of Minsk drafted 3 reserve officers for military service.

On September 24, the military commissariat of Dziarzhynsk and Uzda districts drafted 3 reserve officers for military service.

In 2024, 8 reserve officers were drafted into the 377th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment.

Territorial defense

On September 27-30, command-staff drills with the territorial defense authorities of Vitsiebsk region were held under the leadership of the head of the territorial defense department – deputy chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces. The purpose of the drills was to improve the skills of officials in commanding subordinate forces and to train personnel of units of the territorial troops to fulfill their duties. Special attention was paid to countering enemy sabotage groups, protecting important facilities and ensuring law and order on the territory of the region. The use of UAVs and countering them is “one of their goals.”

Review of military events in Belarus on September 23-29 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

During the drills, the formation of national home guard detachments was practiced for the first time. The internal affairs bodies practiced taking territorial troops into operational subordination. The conscripts of the territorial troops of Vitsiebsk and Orsha districts took part in the drills. Practical training of tasks took place in Vitsiebsk, as well as in Vitsiebsk, Orsha and Chashniki districts.

On September 27, a training session with conscripts of the territorial troops of Kamianets district was completed. During the training session, the conscripts underwent combat coordination in units, performed combat firing, and were trained to perform assigned tasks.

National home guard

On September 26, the Krasnaye village executive committee (Maladzechna district) held a training for chairmen of village executive committees, national home guard detachments commanders and their deputies. During the training, the procedure for forming national home guard detachments, providing them with weapons and ammunition, as well as first aid procedures were discussed.

On September 27, servicemen of the 6th Mechanized Brigade held firearms training with commanders of national home guard detachments of Pruzhany district and officials of the working group of the Pruzhany district executive committee at the 210th Ruzhanski aviation training ground. During the training, the volunteers fired pistols, automatic rifles and hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers.

A training with representatives of national home guard detachments was held in Miadziel district. During the training, they considered the legal basis of the national home guard detachments’ activities, the procedure for obtaining and using weapons by volunteers, and first aid.

Internal Troops

Training with the Chest’ special forces detachment continued. The reservists were trained in topography and navigation programs. They also practiced storming a trench and clearing a building. On September 26, it was reported that the training session was completed. More than 200 reservists underwent combat coordination, sharpening their combat skills to meet the realities of modern combat operations. Special attention was paid to the study of new weapons, training of UAV operators, etc. The training was conducted by instructors (former PMC Wagner mercenaries) with combat experience.

On September 26, it was reported that on the instructions of Minister of Internal Affairs Ivan Kubrakou, the readiness of volunteer formations of special units of internal affairs bodies and the Internal Troops, their armament, logistics and logistical support would be inspected “in the near future”.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 23-29 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

Comprehensive exercises were held with the Vitsiaz special forces detachment. During the training, the servicemen practiced reconnaissance, ambush, attacking the enemy using FPV drones, shooting and maneuvers on quad bikes.

On September 27, it was reported that the training course for squad leaders, which was held at the 2nd Militia Brigade, was completed. More than 300 servicemen from all formations and military units of the Internal Troops improved their skills in tactical, firearms and physical training, as well as learning how to conduct exercises with personnel. Brigade officers and instructors (former PMC Wagner mercenaries) with combat experience conducted the training with the soldiers.

Flights of Russian drones into Belarus

On September 24, one Russian UAV of the Shahed-136/131 type flew into the territory of Belarus. Nothing is known about its further fate. No forces of the Belarusian Air Force were used to intercept the UAV. 

On the night of September 26, 4 Russian UAVs of the Shahed-136/131 type flew into the territory of Belarus. It is known that at least one of the UAVs came not from Ukraine (as it often happens), but from Russia. As a result, 1 drone flew to the territory of Ukraine, nothing is known about the fate of the rest. Fighters of the Belarusian Air Force were used to intercept the UAV.

The flight restriction zone for all types of civil aircraft (including UAVs) at altitudes from 0 to 19,800 meters in the south of Belarus is extended in accordance with NOTAMN O0597/24 until December 31, 2024. The ban on flights over the southern part of Belarus was imposed on February 24, 2022, with the beginning of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The potential threat of missile attacks against Ukraine from Belarus airspace remains at least until the end of December 2024.


On September 25, it was reported that troops of the Western Operational Command received a new batch of Cetus X FPV Kit drones. In total, soldiers of the 6th and 11th Mechanized Brigades received several dozen UAVs.

Training of the crews of the 231st Artillery Brigade for the operation of the V-200 Polonez MLRS continues. The exact timing of the transfer of the Polonez to the brigade wasn’t mentioned. Given the ongoing training of the crews, the transfer of the systems to the brigade could take place in the foreseeable future.

Ammunition supplies to Russia

In late July-early August, 94 railcars with missiles for anti-aircraft missile systems were shipped from the 1562nd Technical Missile Base of the Belarusian Armed Forces to the 23rd Arsenal of the Main Missile and Artillery Department of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (Oktyabrskoye, Tver region). Other ammunition deliveries were also planned for the 23rd arsenal. However, they are currently suspended. 

The probable reason is Ukraine’s UAV strike on the arsenal, which took place on the night of September 21. As a result of the strike, a significant part of the arsenal’s infrastructure was damaged. In addition to the above mentioned, insignificant deliveries of ammunition from the storage bases of the Belarusian Armed Forces were recorded in 2024. For example, the export of ammunition to Russia was recorded from the 391st Artillery Ammunition Base (a total of 19 railcars) and the 1562nd Technical Missile Base (4 railcars).

Work of the military-industrial complex

On September 24, a meeting was held at the Obuz-Liasnouski training ground, during which Aliaksandr Lukashenka was reported “on the prospects of development of unmanned aviation of the Armed Forces, taking into account the experience of modern armed conflicts.” During the event, more than 30 Belarusian-made military goods were demonstrated. 

The following UAVs were demonstrated at the meeting: Chekan V, Lovchiy (the 558th Aircraft Repair Plant), Berkut-3 (OJSC “AGAT-Control Systems”), Mirotvorets, Askalon small-size cruise missile (KB Unmanned Helicopters LLC), and Kvadro-M (OJSC “Design Bureau ‘Display’”). Also, for the first time, Belarusian AKKORD FPV drones (CJSC “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”) were demonstrated. 

Review of military events in Belarus on September 23-29 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

 The EW systems demonstrated included the R-936 Aero radio monitoring and radio suppression system, the Fumigator-N and Fumigator-V multicopter control and navigation signal blockers, the Shapel multicopter signal locator, the Dronoscope multicopter detection and location system (JSC “Radar Design Bureau”), etc.

During the meeting, Peleng presented experimental samples of small-caliber guided aerial weapons for use with UAVs of various types. They also demonstrated fragmentation-fugitive munitions with a mass of up to 2 kilograms, designed to target UAVs. Other equipment demonstrated included the Volat V2 armored personnel carrier equipped with the ADUNOK-BM30.2 combat module and the BM-21-B Belgrad-2 MLRS.

An assembly shop for the production of UAVs was established at the 927th Center for Preparation and Use of UAVs. The shop is equipped with 3D printers, a milling machine with program control, and laptops for programming future FPV drones. A similar assembly shop can be deployed even in the field on the basis of a car. It takes several hours to manufacture one UAV. According to the head of the Department of Application and Development of UAVs of the Belarusian Armed Forces, UAV operators are taught how to repair and assemble UAVs during training. 

In 2024, the Chekan B attack UAV and the Berkut-3 short-range multifunctional UAV were developed and put into service, as well as the Shapel multicopter signal detector-pilot. Serial production of the Kvadro-1400 and Barraging Tube attack UAVs has also been established.

On September 27, it was reported that BSUIR is working with the defense sector of the economy on a highly accurate and jamming-resistant missile.

Formation of new units

On September 24, during a meeting at the Obuz-Liasnouski training ground, Aliaksandr Lukashenka said that Belarus had established a new unit staffed with soldiers under contract. Quote: “While looking for good specialists, we decided to establish another unit. With those smart, intelligent, strong people, but already adults, on a contract basis, who have once served in the army or in some units.” No other details about the unit were given.

Lukashenka also said that on his instructions, citizens who had served in special units were put on special record to form volunteer units. Quote: “In the near future, we will inspect all [volunteer] units. Why I insist on this: this special training cost us a lot. It’s a lot of money to train such special forces.” According to the politician, the Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen “should have its own unit with its own weapons.”

Review of military events in Belarus on September 23-29 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On September 26, First Deputy Commander of the Internal Troops Aliaksandr Bykau said that Lukashenka had ordered the formation of “special volunteer units” in all law enforcement agencies. 

Since 2023, special volunteer units (Chest’, Smerch, etc.) with the number of more than 1500 people have been formed in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from among the citizens who had previously served in special units. The soldiers of the detachments are provided with everything necessary for the performance of combat tasks ,“taking into account the realities of modern combat.” Training sessions are held with them on a scheduled basis. Instructors with real combat experience (former mercenaries of PMC Wagner) take part in their training.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 23-29 Internal Troops of Belarus

On September 26, Defense Minister Viktar Khrenin visited the 927th Center for Training and Use of UAVs. It was reported that Khrenin visited the UAV assembly shop, where he got acquainted with the FPV drone production process set up by the specialists of the 927th center. The head of the Directorate for the Use and Development of UAVs of the General Staff was instructed to increase the training of UAV specialists “due to the prospect of creating new specialized UAV units.” Khrenin didn’t give any other details about the formation of the new units.

Mikhail Bryanski, the head of the Directorate for the Use and Development of UAVs of the Belarusian Armed Forces, said, “There are regular [UAV] units in the Ground Forces and Special Operations Forces. And practically all military formations have UAV operators. […] In 2024, we focused mainly on the development of unmanned aviation in artillery units.”

Training of military personnel

On September 24, chairman of the central council of DOSAAF of Belarus Andrei Nekrashevich said that starting from 2024, DOSAAF would train UAV operators. The official said, “By 2026, we will be able to fully provide law enforcement agencies with drone operators.”

On September 27, it was reported that military departments will be established in educational institutions to train “in-demand specialists” in UAV control and EW. The Defense Ministry, together with university rectors, has been asked to work on the issue.

The Military Academy will have a department of unmanned aerial vehicles. 


Review of military events in Belarus on September 23-29 Belarusian Hajun

In October-December 2024, the command of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Belarus plans to purchase 1319 airfield slabs. The products are used to build runways, parking lots for aircrafts and helicopters, etc. The slabs are purchased for the units that operate Machulishchy, Baranavichy, Babruisk and Barautsy airfields. In total, purchases of materials for the repair of artificial surfaces of 5 out of 7 operating military airfields in Belarus were recorded in 2024. 

Civil defense

On September 25-26, drills on resource provision were held in Minsk with the units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. During the drills, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations practiced the procedure of transfer of forces and means of Minsk City Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations from peacetime to wartime in cooperation with the civil defense services. The reality of implementation of the planned measures on resource support in wartime conditions was tested in practice. 

During the training, the services worked out the elimination of the consequences of an accident on the railway transport with subsequent fire in ecosystems and rapid response to the consequences of adverse weather events in Partyzanski district of Minsk. It was noted that the drills helped to improve the order of action to respond to all emergency situations, assess the degree of readiness of all services and identify existing weaknesses.