September 10, 2024 52 minutes to read

Combat training, activities of the Internal Troops and territorial defense.

During the week, at least 20 Russian drones of the Shahed-136/131 type and 1 Supercam flew into the territory of Belarus. At least 2 Shahed-136/131 drones were shot down by the forces of the 61st Fighter Air Base and the 1530th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment of the Russian Armed Forces.

Units of the Belarusian Armed Forces continue to be stationed in Homiel region. The military use civilian infrastructure facilities for accommodation. Artillery units of the Special Operations Forces are carrying out tasks in the border area with Ukraine.

The Ministry of Defense of Belarus is to purchase a batch of Autel drones. It was also reported that a company set of BTR-82A armored personnel carriers and 10 Tiger armored vehicles were delivered to the troops. Work is currently underway to modernize a battalion set of T-72 tanks to the level of T-72BM2.

Drills with territorial defense began in Kamianets district (Brest region) and Hrodna district (Hrodna region). These districts border Poland and Lithuania, respectively.

The 79th Separate Rocket Artillery Divizion was formed within the Belarusian Armed Forces. It is planned to establish separate units of snipers and drone operators in the Internal Troops.

Escalation on the border with Ukraine

According to the media, the building of a closed kindergarten located in Hrabianiouski (Zhytkavichy district, Homiel region) was used to accommodate servicemen of the Belarusian Armed Forces – a unit of the 103rd Airborne Brigade, which was redeployed to Homiel region in August. 

It was also reported that a whole floor of the dormitory of Loyeu State Pedagogical College (Homiel region) was used to accommodate servicemen of the Belarusian Armed Forces. The college website says that the dormitory has 5 floors and is designed to accommodate 470 people. However, only 250 people live in the dormitory. Therefore, up to 100 servicemen could have been accommodated in Loyeu.

On September 5, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus reported that servicemen of the Belarusian Armed Forces continue to carry out tasks to reinforce sections of the state border in the southern direction. Soldiers of mechanized and artillery units, as well as the Special Operations Forces perform daily tasks to ensure the security of the state. The agency demonstrated the work of the 383rd Separate Air Assault Battalion (military unit 92900), as well as a rocket artillery battery (BM-21 Grad MLRS) of the combined artillery divizion of the 38th Air Assault Brigade.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

A number of information resources related to the Belarusian military are engaged in a disinformation campaign. Its goal is to exaggerate the number of troops, as well as the efforts of the Belarusian Armed Forces in response to another “provocation” by Ukraine. These resources spread information about non-existent redeployments of the Belarusian Armed Forces to the border with Ukraine, aviation flights, redeployment of Russian troops to Belarus, etc. 

The disinformation campaign is aimed at both the Russian and Ukrainian information field. In the first case, the goal of the campaign may be to demonstrate Lukashenka’s “involvement” in the “confrontation” with Ukraine. In the second case – to maintain tension in Ukrainian society due to the existing “threat from the north” (also to demonstrate “involvement” in the confrontation with Ukraine).

Also, a number of Telegram channels (mostly Russian) published photos of military equipment of the Belarusian Armed Forces, which was marked with the “B” tactical symbol. Many publications noted that the equipment was being redeployed to the border with Ukraine. The tactical symbol was associated with PMC Wagner, among others. However, photos of equipment with “B” are not related to the group of the Belarusian Armed Forces in the border area with Ukraine. The vast majority of equipment belongs to the 6th Mechanized Brigade, which took part in tactical drills in Hrodna region in August.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On September 8, State Secretary of the Security Council Aliaksandr Valfovich commented on the redeployment of units of the Belarusian Armed Forces to the southern regions of Belarus. The official said, “Different types of groups of forces and means were established, redeployed to the southern regions of our country to cover operational directions, in Homiel and Mazyr directions, to strengthen the performance of tasks by the border service bodies.”

Valfovich says that the Belarusian group cannot pose a threat to Ukraine: “The [Belarusian] group of forces, the number that the Ukrainians claim we brought, that we brought 4000 servicemen or so, is many times smaller than the group that is on the neighboring territory of Ukraine. Today, there are about 14,000 [Ukrainian] servicemen near the state border [of Belarus].”

International cooperation

On September 6, the Department of International Military Cooperation held an accreditation meeting with Ali Tamer Alharti, Military Attache at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Russia and Belarus (part-time). During the event, the parties exchanged views on the issues on the international agenda, discussed the current state of military cooperation between the defense departments of the two countries, and discussed the upcoming plans and opportunities for their implementation.

Combat training

On September 3-4, exercises on suppression of activities of illegal armed groups were held in Stolin (Brest region). The town is located 12 kilometers from the border with Ukraine.

Units of the 250th Separate Special Battalion of Guard and Service went to the area of tactical and specialty drills. The purpose of the drills is to practice the operation of the Western Operational Command’s control center. Particular attention will be paid to the practical training of personnel support issues, as well as the survivability of the control center.

During the drills, units performed tasks using Chinese Dragon armored vehicles (Dajiang CS/VN3) equipped with PKT machine guns and anti-drone nets. They practiced countering the penetration of sabotage and reconnaissance groups into the areas where the control centers were located. Tasks on the operational deployment of individual elements of the command post, its camouflage and security were also practiced.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

During the camp training session of artillery units of the Special Operations Forces, which is held at the Brestski training ground, batteries of 82-mm 2B24 mortars performed firing tasks.

Control exercises were held with the personnel of the engineering battalion of the 557th Engineering Brigade. During the exercise, they practiced using a troop filter station to extract and purify water from an open reservoir. During field drills, the brigade’s pontoon bridge battalion practiced setting up a pontoon crossing across the Nioman river at night and marching to the assigned area.

Conscripts of one of the mechanized battalions of the 6th Mechanized Brigade continue to sharpen their professional skills at the Hozhski training ground. As part of combat training exercises, the personnel practiced working in “twos” and “threes”, clearing trenches of the conditional enemy, engineering support of units, laying mines, etc.

Scheduled training flights took place at the 50th Combined Air Base. Helicopter pilots sharpened their skills. Aircraft took to the air both in the daytime and at night.

On September 4, the Belarusian military contingent left for Kyrgyzstan to participate in the “Interaction-2024” command-staff drills with the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Force, the “Search-2024” drills with intelligence forces and means, and the “Echelon-2024” drills with logistical forces and means. The manoeuvres will take place at the training ground of the Edelweiss training center. 

Units of the 103rd Airborne Brigade, the Special Rapid Reaction Detachment of the Internal Troops, the Almaz Special Anti-Terrorism Detachment of the MIA of Belarus, representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as cadets of the Military Intelligence Department of the Military Academy of Belarus are taking part in the operational-tactical drills representing Belarus. First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces Andrei Matiyevich is in charge of the Belarusian group at all stages of the drills.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On September 7, the official start of the drills was reported. Pavel Muraveika, Chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces, attended the opening ceremony. The official said, “[The Belarusian] military contingent will gain a lot of experience in mountain training, exactly the experience that we cannot get on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Military equipment can also be tested in difficult mountain conditions. This will improve our combat capabilities and the level of training of our units.”

At the Barysauski training ground, motorized rifle and reconnaissance units of the 120th Mechanized Brigade performed exercises in driving combat vehicles and overcoming water obstacles. BMP-2 crews crossed the Berazina river, the opposite bank of which was occupied by the enemy. The crews suppressed the enemy’s firing points, successfully crossed the river and delivered the paratroopers.

Field drills are held in one of the units of the 5th Special Forces Brigade. During the training, the servicemen practiced the organization of guarding, ambush operations, communication, and also practiced camouflage. They also practiced ambush operations.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

Combat training exercises continue with the 78th Separate Mechanized Battalion of the 6th Mechanized Brigade. The battalion’s personnel have occupied a staging area and have begun training.

On September 6, it was reported that the leadership team of the missile strike control training went to Russia. It was reported that the Belarusian Armed Forces had completed the concentration of forces and means of the Missile Troops at one of the training grounds for the missile strike control training with live launches from various missile systems. In August, units of the Missile and Artillery Troops of the Belarusian Armed Forces went to Russia for drills.

Combat training exercises are being held at the 120th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, during which servicemen practiced firing from the ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft missile launcher. During the exercises, the servicemen learned how to use the anti-aircraft gun against modern air targets.

Each member of the 38th Airborne Assault Brigade must complete a minimum of four parachute jumps during the year.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On September 8, the 105th Separate Mechanized Battalion of the 11th Mechanized Brigade arrived at the permanent deployment point. The servicemen successfully completed their assigned tasks during the battalion tactical drills.

Training on the equipment of control points using civilian infrastructure continues in the 74th Separate Signal Regiment. During the training, the organization of close cooperation and the use of the capabilities of district electrical communication nodes were practised in the interests of providing communications for the Western Operational Command’s control point.

A training session was held in the 5th Special Forces Brigade for parachute-free non-stop airborne landing and evacuation operations. The result of the week-long training session was a parachute landing from a Mi-8MTV-5 helicopter using climbing ropes and a special landing rope.

Soldiers of the 36th Road and Bridge Brigade practiced their skills in the construction of a highway bridge (SARM-M) during a combat training exercise.

Military commissariats and territorial defense

Military training sessions

On September 3, in accordance with the extract from the Plan of military training sessions in 2024, the military commissariat of Masty district drafted conscripts for a training session for regular military positions, for which conscripts are intended for military service in peacetime or wartime. About 30 reservists from the reserve were drafted.

On September 3, the military commissariat of Lahoisk district sent conscripts to a training session. 6 reservists were drafted.

On September 3, the military commissariat of Biaroza district sent conscripts to the 815th Technical Support Center for a training session. 19 reservists were drafted.

On September 3, the military commissariat of Luninets and Hantsavichy districts sent conscripts to a training session. 11 reservists were drafted.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On September 3, another training session with conscripts began at the 815th Technical Support Center. 20 reservists were drafted.

On September 4, it was reported that the troops of the Western Operational Command were increasing the intensity of training for conscripts drafted from the reserve. 

On September 4, another training session with conscripts began in the 557th Engineering Brigade. About 30 reservists were drafted. 

23 conscripts were drafted to the training session, which has been held in the 377th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment since the end of August.

On September 6, the conscripts of the engineer-sapper battalion of the 6th Mechanized Brigade completed their training session. About 60 reservists were drafted.

On September 6, reserve servicemen who arrived for a military training session took the military oath at the 114th Specialist Training School. A total of at least 10 reservists were drafted.


On September 6, the military commissariat of Kalinkavichy district held a joint instructor-methodical training with district police inspectors. The topic of the training was the procedure of interaction between military commissariats officials and internal affairs officers to search for and locate citizens subject to conscription for compulsory military service.

On September 6, the military commissariats of Brest and Brest district issued orders to 10 reserve officers to arrive at military units for service.

Officers of the 11th Mechanized Brigade held meetings with conscripts at the military commissariat of Slonim and Zelva districts, as well as the military commissariat of Vaukavysk, Berastavitsa and Svislach districts on the issue of enrolment for military service under contract. Also, it was reported that agitation work on contract employment was conducted in the 841st Artillery Group of the brigade.

Territorial defense

On September 3, in accordance with the Plan of preparation for the performance of assigned tasks of territorial defense authorities and military units of territorial troops in Miadzel district, the inspection of certain issues of the territorial defense began. During the inspection, the conscripts of the territorial troops are notified and brought to the reception point of the territorial troops.

On September 3-27, a training session with conscripts of the territorial troops will be held in Kamianets district, Brest region. The purpose of the training session is to improve the skills of the district executive committee officials in forming military units of the territorial troops, and of the conscripts of the territorial troops in performing the assigned tasks. The training session will include: reception of conscripts and their provision using the resources of the local mobilization deployment base; restoration of commanders’ skills in managing their subordinates; and training of conscripts in military occupational specialties. About 140 reservists are to be drafted.

On September 3-26, a training session with conscripts of the territorial troops will be held in Hrodna district. About 105 reservists will be drafted. It is planned to form a separate rifle battalion of the territorial troops during the training session. It is known that the conscripts will be placed in the “Suzorie” children’s health camp (Hrodna district, near Parechcha). The camp is located 8 kilometers from the border with Lithuania.

National home guard

On September 5, a one-day training session was held in Krupki district with chairmen of village executive committees and volunteers of national home guard detachments. The theoretical part of the training session covered the formation of the national home guard, the procedure for its use, as well as obtaining weapons and ammunition. The material part of the weapons to be used by the national home guard was studied. During the practical part of the training session, the participants regained their skills in disassembling and assembling weapons, in wielding weapons in the performance of assigned tasks, and practiced first aid skills. The training session was attended by representatives of the military commissariat, Regional Department of Internal Affairs, Krupki District Executive Committee and the central district hospital, as well as the military unit 29253.

Internal Troops

Exercises on protecting transportation infrastructure facilities and suppressing the activities of illegal armed groups were held in the 9th Separate Special Battalion (military unit 5530). The servicemen mastered the skills to ensure road safety and combat saboteurs, and commanders improved their skills in managing units in various conditions.

On September 3-4, field drills of the 4th Militia Brigade (military unit 7404) took place at the Yasenavitsa training ground. The servicemen practiced the protection of critical facilities, marching, orientation on the terrain and search for a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the enemy. Together with logistics units, they practiced equipping a field camp and checkpoints, as well as firing exercises at night.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Internal Troops of Belarus

Under the guidance of officers, specialist sappers, medics and instructors from the Shtorm special forces detachment, the servicemen continued to improve their skills in firearms, tactical and military medical training. There was great interest in the military-engineering training, where they learned how and how to overcome minefields and engineering barriers.

On September 7, a UAV control training was held with the UAV operations team of the Chest’ special forces detachment. The soldiers got acquainted with the use of complex training equipment and conducted flight simulation training, acquiring skills in controlling and mounting a camera on board the drone. The training was conducted by instructors from the Rys’ special forces detachment (military unit 5529).

Flights of the Shahed 136/131 drones into Belarus

On the night of September 3, 1 Russian UAV of the Shahed 136/131 type flew into the airspace of Belarus. The drone then flew to the territory of Ukraine. No duty forces of the Belarusian Air Force were used to intercept it.

On the night of September 4, 4 Russian UAVs of the Shahed 136/131 type flew into the airspace of Belarus. Subsequently, 1 drone flew to the territory of Ukraine; 2 flew near the Belarus-Ukraine border (probably also returned to Ukraine); 1 was spotted near Zhlobin (there is no information about its fate). In the morning, a fighter of the Belarusian Air Force flew to intercept the UAV.

On September 4, a Russian Kinzhal hypersonic missile flew over the territory of Homiel region of Belarus. It is likely that the missile subsequently hit Lviv.

September 5, 8 Russian UAVs of the Shahed 136/131 type flew into the airspace of Belarus.  According to available information, a unit of the anti-aircraft troops of the Russian Armed Forces (Ziabrauka airfield, Homiel district) shot down one drone. Another one was shot down by a fighter of the Belarusian Air Force. The remaining 6 drones returned to Ukraine. This is probably the first case of an air defense unit of the Russian Armed Forces working in the airspace of Belarus against a Russian drone

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Belarusian Hajun

On September 5, Siarhei Fralou, the head of the Main Staff of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, confirmed the fact of shooting down a UAV: “The fact of violation of the State border in the airspace, presumably by unmanned aerial vehicles, was recorded. A decision was made to destroy them. By timely actions of the air defense forces on duty, all the intruder targets were destroyed.”

The incident was followed by the reaction of propagandists. The main narratives were as follows: 1) Ignoring the fact that the downed UAVs were Russian; 2) Hints that the UAVs could have been Ukrainian; 3) Emphasizing the well-coordinated work of the Belarusian military (and Russian), the work of the competent services to establish the causes of the incident and attempts to “ unsettle” the internal political situation.

On September 8, State Secretary of the Security Council Aliaksandr Valfovich commented on the situation in Homiel: “Well, the recent events over Homiel show that we see, we are ready and our air defense means, anti-aircraft missile systems, including Russian ones, which are located in our southern regions to cover the airspace, and our aviation, Su-30SM aircrafts, the most modern aircraft, were taken to the sky, and, accordingly, fire strikes were made to prevent any threats.”

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Belarusian Hajun

On the night of September 6-7, at least 7 Shahed 136/131 drones flew into the airspace of Belarus. It is known that one of them flew into Hrodna region for the first time. Fighters of the Belarusian Air Force made 4 sorties to intercept the drones, and helicopters – 2 more. Later, one of the drones could have flown and crashed on the territory of Latvia. 

Also, probably for the first time, a Russian reconnaissance drone of the Supercam type flew into the territory of Belarus. There is no information about the fate of the other drones. 

There is a tendency for an increase in the number of Russian drones flying into the territory of Belarus. While 21 Shahed 136/131 drones were recorded in July-August, 20 Shahed 136/131 drones were recorded on September 1-7 only.

Training of military personnel

On September 6, more than 500 first-year students (40 of them women) took the military oath at the Military Academy.

On September 7, 52 first-year students of the military transport faculty of Belarusian State University of Transport took the military oath.

On September 7, 48 first-year students took the military oath at the military faculty of Hrodna State University.


On September 4, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus published a tender for the purchase of 9 Autel UAVs: 1) 4 units of EVO MAX 4T; 2) 4 units of EVO MAX 4N Standard Bundle; 3) 1 unit of Dragonfish Standard. They plan to spend 631,000 BYN ($199,324) on the purchase. We can state that every year the number of UAVs purchased for the needs of the army increases, and their nomenclature expands. Given the need to comply with all formalities, we can expect the delivery of the equipment to the military not earlier than early 2025.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On September 6th , during the solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of Tankers, Belarusian Defense Minister Viktar Khrenin said about new deliveries of military equipment to the troops: “Only during the last few months, the Belarusian military received 10 new BTR-82A and 10 Tigr special vehicles.” The official didn’t specify which units received the new equipment. 

Khrenin also spoke about the ongoing work to modernize the T-72 tanks: “Currently, the 140th Repair Plant is carrying out major repairs and modernization of more than 100 armored weapons and equipment, including 30 T-72 tanks to the level of T-72BM2.” In turn, the head of the Armored Vehicles Department of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus, Vital Kilcheuski, said that a tank battalion had been transferred for modernization. According to the official, the T-72BM2 tank was taken into service. In addition, it was decided to provide 100% of the armored vehicles with UAV protection equipment.

Formation of new units

A new unit – the 79th Separate Rocket Artillery Divizion – was formed in the 336th Rocket Artillery Brigade of the Belarusian Armed Forces ( military unit 12180). The divizion is armed with the V-300 Polonez-M MLRS. In November 2023, the 336th Brigade received a divizion set of the Polonez-M MLRS. This event was the reason for the formation of the new unit.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Belarusian Hajun

On September 4, Internal Troops commander Mikalai Karpiankou said that work was continuing to change the organizational and staff structure of the troops. Thus, “in the near future” it is planned to create separate units of snipers and UAV operators.


On September 1, a military cargo train with equipment of the 19th Mechanized Brigade arrived at Hudahai station (Astraviets district, Hrodna region). The station is located 7 kilometers from the border with Lithuania. A tactical group consisting of up to 2 motorized rifle companies, a tank company, and a mortar battery was transferred to the border with Lithuania – a total of 38 pieces of equipment, ≈250 people. The redeployment is connected with combat readiness inspection and mobilization of the 19th Mechanized Brigade, as well as drills. At the moment, units of the Belarusian Armed Forces do not pose a military threat to Lithuania.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 2-8 Belarusian Hajun

During a speech on September 2, Foreign Minister Maksim Ryzhankou said that the Treaty on Security Guarantees between Belarus and Russia is scheduled to be signed in December 2024. The official said, “The treaty will set the principle of using nuclear weapons and conventional weapons, as well as other methods of defense of both countries, which are part of the Union State.” In November 2023, State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Aliaksandr Valfovich said that the treaty on security guarantees was practically ready.

On September 7, it was reported that the search units of the Belarusian Armed Forces and the Russian Armed Forces had completed their work. The 90th Separate Special Battalion took part in the search representing Russia.

On September 8, an interview of the State Secretary of the Security Council Aliaksandr Valfovich was aired on state TV. The official touched upon the subject of the former PMC Wagner: “We take into account and make good use of the experience of PMC Wagner units, which are deployed in Belarus. Their instructors are in our units and share the practical skills they acquired during [the war in Ukraine], during combat operations elsewhere and in other hot spots around the world.”