August 27, 2024 more than an hour to read

Combat training, activities of the Internal Troops and territorial defense.

On August 10, after the statement about another “provocation”, redeployment of units of the Belarusian Armed Forces to the Ukrainian border began. The number of the group in Homiel region is at least 1100 people.

On August 5-25, the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Belarus conducted operational-tactical drills. The drills were conducted in two stages: the first on the territory of Belarus and the second at the Russian Ashuluk training ground. 

Drills with territorial defense are held in Slutsk and Vaukavysk districts. 

Russian drones of the Shahed-136/131 type continued to fly into the territory of Belarus.

Escalation on the border

On August 10, Aliaksandr Lukashenka spoke about the violation of the Belarusian airspace by Ukrainian UAVs. During the briefing, Defense Minister Viktar Khrenin said that on August 9, the duty forces of the Belarusian Armed Forces detected unidentified aerial objects flying from Ukraine to Belarus. After crossing the border, the aerial targets were classified as UAVs, and a command was given to destroy them. As a result of the actions of the Belarusian military, some of the UAVs were shot down. Another part was destroyed by the Russian Armed Forces on the territory of Russia. The Ministry of Defense of Belarus published a video of one of the downed UAVs. 

According to Khrenin, a Su-30SM fighter and a Mi-24 helicopter of the Belarusian Air Force were used to search for and intercept UAVs. Indeed, in the evening of August 9, the fighter and helicopter performed flights. However, they failed to detect the UAV. It is notable that representatives of the Lukashenka regime didn’t comment on the flights of Russian Shahed-136/131 drones over the territory of Belarus, which have been regularly recorded since July 2024.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

During the briefing, Khrenin said that given the situation in Ukraine and Russia’s Kursk oblast, Lukashenka had given instructions “to strengthen the group of troops in Homiel and Mazyr tactical directions.” According to the official, units of the Special Operations Forces, Ground Forces, Missile and Artillery Troops (including Polonez and Iskander-M missile systems) are involved. 

On August 11, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus published footage of equipment of the 355th Separate Tank Battalion of the 120th Mechanized Brigade being loaded onto flatcars. It was noted that the redeployment of troops to the south of Belarus was carried out in a combined manner (by rail and public roads). Also, as of early August, units of the 5th Special Forces Brigade and the 103rd Airborne Brigade of the Special Operations Forces were stationed in Homiel region.

On August 15, in an interview with the Rossiya TV channel, Lukashenka said that Belarus had identified brigades and battalion tactical groups for actions near the Belarus-Ukraine border – more than 20 units in total. And up to a third of the Belarusian Armed Forces was allegedly sent to the Ukrainian border: “We sent one third of the army [to the territories near the southern border] and we conducted mobilization even in the west and redeployed them to the south, to the training ground to prepare our units. There are also several thousand guys training there – from the western and northwestern directions.”

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 16, a meeting on military security issues was held with Lukashenka’s participation. During the meeting, Defense Minister Viktar Khrenin said: “The situation in the southern operational direction remains tense. […] Activity of units of Special Operations Forces and the Security Service of Ukraine is noted at all sections along the state border of Belarus.”

After the meeting, Chief of the General Staff of Belarus Pavel Muraveika said that “the composition of the forces and means that have been sent to the border is larger than the one that was formed earlier.” According to the official, the Belarusian military increased the group of air defense because of the increasing number of UAVs flying into the airspace of Belarus. The necessary conditions were also created (including “formation of certain reserves”) for the deployment of groups with heavy equipment in order to adequately respond to “provocations like those that took place in [Kursk oblast].”

On August 16, it was reported that one of the units of the 120th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade was “brought to readiness to perform its assigned tasks.” The servicemen marched about 450 kilometers to the assigned area, where they went on air defense combat duty.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 19, it was reported that the 116th Assault Air Base “is taking measures to prepare for the redeployment of additional forces and means in the interests of strengthening the state border in the southern operational direction.” Back on August 10, four Su-25 attack aircraft were redeployed from Lida airfield to Babruisk airfield.

On August 21, a post appeared in the channel of the 61st Fighter Air Base stating that “in order to strengthen the state border of Belarus, [the air base] began preparing aircraft for relocation to the operational airfield of the southern operational direction.”

On August 21, it was reported that one of the anti-aircraft missile divizions of the 115th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment marched to the assigned area with the task of “reinforcing the state border in the airspace in the southern direction.” The personnel are preparing to go on combat duty.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 22, State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Aliaksandr Valfovich visited the border areas, where units of the Belarusian Armed Forces perform tasks “to strengthen the state border.” Valfovich inspected the areas of the tasks and talked to the servicemen. 

The official said: “The personnel of the Special Operations Forces, mechanized units, air defense forces and means with the created groups of troops protect and cover the state border in the southern operational direction. […] Our groups are provided with the most modern means of electronic warfare (EW), means of countering UAVs.”

As of August 23, the number of the group concentrated near the border with Ukraine was about 1100 people. This is the minimum confirmed number of troops of the established group. It is likely that EW, communications, UAV, etc. units were also redeployed to the border area.

International cooperation

Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces Andrei Lukyanovich paid a working visit to Tehran. The head of the Belarusian military delegation held meetings with Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Army Abdulrahim Mousavi and Commander of the Air Force Hamid Vahedi. During the visit, the parties discussed issues of bilateral military cooperation and outlined ways of its further development. The Belarusian delegation also visited the facilities of the Iranian military infrastructure.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 8, Chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces Pavel Muraveika met with Ularbek Abykeev, military attaché at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Belarus. During the meeting, the parties discussed the issues of bilateral military cooperation. The parties reaffirmed their readiness to continue actively promoting the strengthening of friendly ties between the defense agencies of Belarus and Kazakhstan.

On August 9, the Department of International Military Cooperation held a meeting with the military and Air Force Attaché at the Bulgarian Embassy in Belarus, Gheorghi Khadzhiev, on the occasion of the completion of his accreditation procedure at the Ministry of Defense of Belarus. During the event, the parties exchanged views on the state of the military and political situation in the region and bilateral relations in the military sphere.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 13, it was reported that the Ministry of Defense of Belarus received a delegation from Iran. During the meeting, head of the main department of ideological work Leanid Kasinski and head of the media department of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Mojtaba Abdolmaleki discussed issues of cooperation in the information sphere. During the visit, the Iranian delegation visited the VoyenTV TV company, the Military Academy and the Vayar news agency.

Belarusian military delegation paid a visit to China. During the visit, representatives of the Belarusian Armed Forces and the People’s Liberation Army of China (PLA) held a working meeting to exchange experience of participation in peacekeeping operations. The parties discussed the procedure of selection, training and deployment of servicemen to participate in peacekeeping activities, as well as the prospects of cooperation between the countries in this area. The Belarusian delegation also visited the Peacekeeping Center of the Chinese Ministry of Defense and a PLA unit, which plans to take part in one of the UN peacekeeping missions.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 22, it was reported that the Belarusian delegation headed by Chief of the Communications Directorate of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces Vadzim Ramaniv was on a working visit to Vietnam. During the visit, a meeting was held with the Chief of Communications Troops of the Vietnamese Army. The parties exchanged views on the organization of communication and achievements of the military industry of the countries in the production of modern communication systems. The parties discussed areas of further cooperation in the field of military communications. The representatives of Belarus also visited the Center for High Information Technologies of the Communications Troops.

Combat training

Operational-tactical drills of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces

On August 5-25, in accordance with the training plan of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, operational-tactical drills were conducted in two stages: the first in Belarus, the second at the Ashuluk training ground (Astrakhan oblast, Russia). It was reported that the drills helped to improve the level of coordination of units, as well as to practice new tactical methods of anti-air and air combat. A total of about 4000 servicemen and 150 pieces of equipment took part in the drills.

The first stage of the operational-tactical drills

Soldiers of the 2nd Radio Technical Center of the 2285th Separate Radio-Technical Battalion performed tasks in the assigned area. The center’s combat team improved their skills in radar station deployment, radar reconnaissance and transmitting information to a higher command post.

One of the divizions of the 115th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, which is armed with S-300PS SAM systems, marched to the assigned area. The servicemen of the divizion worked on control targets. 

On August 5-6, the 377th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment took part in the first stage of the operational-tactical drills. One of the regiment’s divizions marched to the assigned area, performed tactical military deception measures and repelled an enemy air strike.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

During the first stage of the operational-tactical drills, servicemen of the 1146th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment marched to the assigned area, where they carried out combat training tasks to cover important infrastructure facilities from air attacks by the conditional enemy. The cover was provided by Tor-M2K SAM systems, Igla MANPADS and ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft guns. A special feature of the drills was countering UAVs, as well as small and low-flying aerial targets.

During operational-tactical drills, the 116th Assault Air Base practiced strikes against ground targets using not only conventional bomber, missile and artillery weapons, but also new aircraft weapons. Also, new methods of use of aviation means of destruction were tested. Tasks were practiced both at training grounds and on terrain.

The 50th Combined Air Base practiced new methods of aviation interaction and control during operational-tactical drills. Flight personnel conducted air strikes against ground targets and conducted aerial reconnaissance.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

During operational-tactical drills, the 61st Fighter Air Base practiced maneuvers in restricted airspace, as well as complex and aerobatics figures. Su-30SM fighter crews intercepted control targets and also carried out tasks as control targets for anti-aircraft missile and radio-technical units.

The second stage of the operational-tactical drills

On August 5, Belarusian Armed Forces units began loading flatcars onto military cargo trains for departure for the Ashuluk training ground, where the main part of the drills took place. Representatives of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces Command, the 2287th Separate Radio-Technical Battalion of the 8th Radio-Technical Brigade, the 56th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (S-300PT SAM systems), the 56th Separate Signal Regiment, the 15th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade (S-300PS, Tor-M2K SAM systems), the 115th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (combat crews without equipment) and the 61st Fighter Air Base took part in the drills on the territory of Russia.

During the second stage of the operational-tactical drills, fighter pilots practiced the use of air-to-air missiles against air targets. They also practiced intercepting high-speed air targets, striking at conditional enemy targets and training pilots in performing elements of complex aerobatics in aerial combat.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

During the drills, special attention was paid to the conduct of maneuvering combat operations by S-300PS SAM systems. At the same time, the Tor-M2K SAM systems provided cover for maneuvering air defense divizions. And radar crews were working to detect UAVs. On August 20, while on active duty, a crew of the 115th Air Defense Missile Regiment launched a missile from a S-300PS SAM system at a UAV imitating a suspected enemy. The 15th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade also launched a Tor-M2K SAM system in motion. This was the first time the Belarusian military carried out a combat launch from a moving combat vehicle. Previously, launches from SAM systems were carried out only from a firing position.

On August 22, Defense Minister Viktar Khrenin observed combat operations of S-300PS and Tor-M2K crews against targets simulating UAVs. According to Khrenin, “The first Tor-M2K crews destroyed aerial targets in motion, and pilots on the Su-30SM fighter gained experience in using medium- and short-range air-to-air guided missiles.”

On August 23, after the completion of another stage of the operational-tactical drills, units of the Belarusian Armed Forces began moving from the Ashuluk training ground to their permanent deployment points. Some servicemen will arrive in Belarus on board the IL-76MD aircraft, while the rest of the units will leave Russia by rail.

Other combat training activities

Personnel of the mechanized battalion of the 11th Mechanized Brigade underwent an engineering training. The soldiers practiced fortification of the squad position (platoon stronghold): construction of single trenches for soldiers and equipment, communication routes and observation posts.

As part of the field drills of the 11th Mechanized Brigade’s reconnaissance battalion at the Chapialiova training ground, soldiers received firearms training and tactical medicine training. On August 22, the battalion’s soldiers received firearms training, during which they fired BRM-1K and small arms.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 7, as part of a training session with 2024 graduating officers, exercises on the organization of UAV flights from a temporary landing site were held at the UAV detachment of the 6th Mechanized Brigade.

On August 7-8, under the direction of the commander of the Northwestern Operational Command, command-staff drills were held on the topic “Management of troops in an operational association operation.” The purpose of the drills was to improve the readiness and ability of the operational command and military units to provide continuous management during combat operations.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

During the drills, the following issues were practiced: ensuring the sustainability of troop control and increasing the survivability of command posts, combating sabotage and reconnaissance groups and illegal armed formations, planning and use of UAVs for reconnaissance, target designation and barrage munitions, improving the system of fire defeat of the enemy by artillery units, etc. The drills were organized in the following areas. Practical actions during the drills were worked out at training grounds and terrain in Minsk and Hrodna regions.

Comprehensive tactical exercises were held with soldiers of the 105th Separate Mechanized Battalion of the 11th Mechanized Brigade at the fortified area “ Khrenin’s line” located in Zhabinka district.

On August 8, a training with a duty unit of the 6th Mechanized Brigade was held to detain intruders, including countering unauthorized UAV flights. The MR-155 Baikal shotgun was used to suppress UAVs.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 12, units of the 10th Separate EW Battalion started field drills. The events are held on the territory of Polatsk district and will last until August 30. During the field drills, the personnel were trained in special, engineering and military-medical training, driving and other disciplines. The field drills will end with comprehensive tactical and specialty training.

On August 13, tactical medicine exercises were held with servicemen of the 48th Separate EW Battalion. The purpose of the training was to familiarize the personnel with first aid techniques. In addition to basic skills and tourniquet application, the training focused on practicing the skills of servicemen under conditional enemy fire.

On August 13, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus reported that units of the Missile and Artillery Troops of the Belarusian Armed Forces went to a training ground in Russia to “practice combat application”. During the field drills, the units will undergo a control exercise on controlling missile strikes with live launches from missile systems and multiple rocket launchers in service with the Belarusian Armed Forces.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 14-16, the 377th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment conducted tactical drills. The topic of the drills was the preparation and conduct of combat operations by an anti-aircraft missile divizion to cover facilities and troops. During the drills, issues related to the management of combat operations during the repulsion of single and group strikes by enemy air attacks, various options for controlling the divizion’s fire, and countering UAVs and sabotage and reconnaissance groups were practiced.

On August 15, a specialty training was held for the personnel of units of the 36 Road and Bridge Brigade. As part of the training, the servicemen performed the following tests: construction of a low-water wooden bridge; organization of communications; placement and camouflage of the dispatch office, etc.

On August 15, a comprehensive training was held in the 147th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment on protection and repulsion of attacks on military town facilities, as well as on prevention of extremist activities and terrorist acts.

On August 22, diving exercises were conducted with personnel of one of the tank battalions of the 6th Mechanized Brigade at the Obuz-Liasnouski training ground. During the exercises, the servicemen studied the procedure to be followed during the flooding of a combat vehicle and practiced the procedure on a hydro simulator.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 23, soldiers of the 231st Artillery Brigade were preparing for a combined march (by train and along public roads) to the Asipovichski training ground.

On August 20, company tactical drills were held in the 105th Separate Mechanized Battalion, 11th Mechanized Brigade. During the drills, servicemen practiced conducting special combat operations.

In fall 2024, computer command-staff drills will be held as part of the unified regional air defense system of Russia and Belarus.

Servicemen of units of the Western and Northwestern Operational Commands and the Special Operations Forces conducted combat launches at the Damanava training ground using Igla portable SAM systems, ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft systems, Strela-10 and Osa SAM systems.

Servicemen of the 11th Mechanized Brigade took part in joint drills with the border guard authorities.

Military commissariats and territorial defense

Military training sessions

On August 2, the 7th Engineering Regiment completed another training session with conscripts. At least 30 reservists were drafted.

On August 2, another training session with conscripts was completed at the 815th Technical Support Center. At least 20 reservists were drafted.

Another training session with conscripts began at the 74th Separate Signal Regiment. About 20 reservists were drafted.

On August 6, the military commissariat of Homiel city sent about 20 reservists to a military training session.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 6, the Malaryta district military commissariat sent 20 reservists to the 111th Artillery Brigade and the 815th Technical Support Center for training sessions.

On August 7, conscripts arrived at the 110th Separate Material Support Regiment for a training session. At least 15 reservists were drafted. 

On August 8, conscripts drafted from the reserve for a regular training session took the oath at the 815th Technical Support Center. About 20 reservists were drafted.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 8, another training session with conscripts was completed at the 72nd Joint Training Center. At least 40 reservists were drafted.

On August 8, military commissariats of Minsk region sent conscripts to military training sessions (in total, about 105 reservists).

On August 17, a training session to prepare conscripts for service in military air defense units was completed in the 120th Mechanized Brigade. A total of about 40 reservists were drafted. 

On August 20, another training session with conscripts started in the 377th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment. At least 20 reservists were drafted

On August 23, another training session with conscripts was completed in the 7th Engineering Regiment. At least 10 reservists were drafted.


On August 2 and 14, the military commissariats of Savetski and Pershamaiski districts of Minsk selected reserve officers for service. Representatives of military units of the Belarusian Armed Forces took part in the selection. A total of 13 candidates were considered. On August 19, the military commissariat of Savetski district of Minsk drafted the first reserve officer. Reserve officers are drafted on the basis of Decree No. 179 of 29.04.2024. 

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

In 2024, more than 200 conscripts from Minsk chose contract military service instead of compulsory service. Also, 5 women entered service under contract. According to the head of the group of organization of selection for military service of the military commissariat of Minsk, in recent years there has been an increase in the number of those willing to enter the military service under contract. Admission to contract service is carried out in the same terms as sending conscripts for compulsory military service: in April-May and in October-November.

On August 14, the military commissariat of Pruzhany district held an open mobile trial on the criminal case of evasion of conscription for compulsory military service (p.1 Art.435 of the Criminal Code). The court found the citizen guilty and sentenced him to arrest for 3 months.

On August 14, the military commissariat of Zavodski district of Minsk held an open mobile trial on the criminal case of evasion of conscription for compulsory military service (p.1 Art.435 of the Criminal Code). The court found the citizen guilty and sentenced him to a fine of BYN 4000 ($1251).

On August 22, the military commissariat of Biaroza district held an open mobile trial on the criminal case of evasion of conscription for compulsory military service (p.1 Art.435 of the Criminal Code). The court found the citizen guilty and sentenced him to a fine of BYN 4800 ($1506).

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 23, 6 reserve officers were drafted for military service by the military commissariat of Malaryta district.

Territorial defense

On August 6, a training session with conscripts of the territorial troops started in Vaukavysk district of Hrodna region. The conscripts will be trained to prepare them to perform tasks in accordance with their military specialties and to restore the commanders’ skills in managing subordinate units. 50 reservists were drafted. 

On August 23, conscripts were trained to perform tasks in maintaining martial law by serving at checkpoints. On August 24, as part of tactical drills, the separate rifle battalion of the territorial troops was transferred to the operational subordination of the commander of the 6th Mechanized Brigade. The conscripts will perform a number of tasks, including searching for and blocking sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the conditional enemy.

From August 20 to September 13, a training session with conscripts of the territorial troops is held in Slutsk district of Minsk region. During the training session, 30 reservists were drafted. The purpose of the training session is to train officials of the district executive committee and military commissariat in the formation of a separate rifle battalion of the territorial troops, as well as to improve the skills of the personnel in carrying out the assigned tasks. 

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

The training of conscripts will be carried out in three stages: individual training, combat coordination of the battalion of the territorial troops. The transfer of the battalion into operational subordination of the Commander of a mechanized brigade with subsequent participation in tactical drills will also be practiced.

On August 20-22, command-staff drills were held within the training session with conscripts of the territorial troops of Maskouski district of Minsk. During the drills, officers will work out the issues of management of subordinate units when performing the tasks of territorial defense. The conscripts will get practical skills in the protection and defense of local infrastructure, as well as in the joint maintenance of law and order in the city, including countering enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups.

National home guard

On August 7, a training with commanders and deputy commanders of national home guard detachments (HNRD) was held in Stolin. The event was attended by representatives of Stolin District Executive Committee, police, military commissariat and district hospital. During the training, they discussed the rights and duties of commanders and deputy commanders of national home guard detachments, the procedure for accounting, issuing weapons and ammunition, and providing first aid.

On August 23, the military commissariat of Homiel conducted medical exercises with the national home guard detachments of Savetski district. They practiced how to apply a tourniquet and use improvised means to provide first aid in case of injury. The exercises were attended by representatives of the internal affairs bodies.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 23, officials of the military commissariat of Hrodna region and the Department of Internal Affairs of Hrodna Regional Executive Committee held exercises with chairmen of village executive committees on the procedure of forming national home guard detachments in Vaukavysk.

Military commissariats

On August 8, exercises with officials of organizations that are suppliers of vehicles were held at the military commissariat of Dziatlava district. During the exercises, changes in the organization and supply of vehicles to military units were discussed.

On August 7, in accordance with the commission of the Ivanava district military commissariat, an inspection of the organization – supplier of vehicles – was conducted. Special attention during the inspection was paid to the technical condition of vehicles, correctness of documentation and availability of spare parts.

On August 8, the military commissariat of Mahiliou city and Mahiliou district conducted exercises with the administration of the notification headquarters of the BelAZ JSC branch. Specialists of the mobilization department reminded the employees of the organization of the order of actions when receiving orders from the military commissariat.

On August 9, mobilization drills were completed in the military commissariats of Vitsiebsk region. As part of the drills, they practiced notification of conscripts and verification of their records. The issues of prevention and elimination of emergencies in case of an armed attack on the military commissariat were practiced. About 300 reservists were drafted. The personnel of the military commissariats of Minsk also took part in the drills.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 21-22, the mobilization readiness of the notification and collection center of one of the village executive committees of Mahiliou district was inspected. During the expansion and practical work on notification and supply of mobilization resources, practical assistance was provided and the work of the notification center was adjusted.

On August 22-23, the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces conducted an unscheduled training inspection of the military commissariat of Dziarzhynsk and Uzda districts of Minsk region. About 200 reservists were notified with subsequent appearance at the collection point.

On August 23, the military commissariat of Kalinkavichy district held a scheduled training on the organization of medical support in emergency situations. The participants were military commissars of the districts of the region, who act as chiefs of staff of the territorial defense districts in emergency situations and during the wartime period. Also, the military commander of Homiel region and the head of the special forces detachment of the 432nd Main Military Clinical Medical Center of the Belarusian Armed Forces took part in the training. Theoretical and practical skills of first aid in emergency situations were practiced.

Internal Troops

Future unit commanders practiced storming a trench and clearing a building in the training battalion of the 2nd Militia Brigade (military unit 3310). This allowed the soldiers to perform the task in conditions close to real combat ones. Experienced instructors gave the soldiers instructions so that they could learn to quickly orient themselves in the changing situation and make competent decisions. By learning from the combat experience of the instructors (PMC Wagner mercenaries) and special training under the guidance of the battalion’s officers, the servicemen become real professionals.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Internal Troops of Belarus

On August 7, officers of the command and control of the 11th Separate Special Battalion (military unit 7434) held comprehensive exercises. Special attention was paid to firearms training. Servicemen performed firing exercises from different positions and in motion. In addition, the procedure for using and controlling UAVs was discussed.

On August 10, combat training exercises were held for the soldiers of the Chest’ special forces detachment. Volunteers performed rifle shooting exercises. The reserve servicemen also improved their skills in controlling UAVs. There was also a training on how to install standard ammunition in a non-standard way. Exercises were conducted by instructors of the “ Rys’ special forces detachment. It was also reported that in the near future, a military training session will be held with the personnel of the Chest’ detachment. 

Combat coordination of the Berkut, Grom, Shtorm and Buran special forces detachments continued. The attack aircraft, in cooperation with UAV operators, automatic grenade launchers and mortars, carried out the task in a wooded area. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, special forces detachment fighters not only practice their skills, but also improve their work among themselves. This is especially necessary when performing service and combat missions as part of combined groups.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Internal Troops of Belarus

On August 20, the commander of the Internal Troops and his deputy met with the participants of the training session. At the meeting, they discussed innovations in combat strategy, increased work with UAVs, etc. At the final stage of the training session, special forces detachment soldiers practiced the detection and elimination of sabotage and reconnaissance group of the conditional enemy. The servicemen promptly moved over rough terrain, used UAVs, transported the wounded, stormed a building and trenches. They applied all the knowledge gained under the guidance of instructors with combat experience (PMC Wagner mercenaries) in conditions closest to the real world. The combat coordination course was completed on August 22. 

On August 13, soldiers of the 6th Separate Militia Battalion (military unit 5526) conducted company tactical and specialty exercises. Their topic was the performance of the unit’s tasks to protect transportation infrastructure facilities and suppression of illegal armed formations. The soldiers received skills to ensure security at the facilities, and commanders improved their skills in managing units in different environments.

Joint tactical exercises were held in the 5th Rifle Battalion of the 1st Militia Brigade (military unit 5448) with members of the special convoying unit of the Minsk City Executive Committee. During the training they practiced first aid, evacuation of the wounded, organization and maintenance of interaction between soldiers in combat conditions, control and work with UAVs. The soldiers performed tactical firing exercises with assault rifles and pistols, and also improved their psychological resistance to dog attacks.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Internal Troops of Belarus

Tactical exercises were held in the 2nd Patrol Battalion of the 1st Militia Brigade (military unit 5448) to suppress the activities of a conditional enemy.The soldiers improved their skills in the protection and defense of important facilities, practiced the suppression of attempts to penetrate and repulsion of an attack. Particular attention was paid to the deployment of the battalion in a wooded area and the organization of comprehensive support. The exercises ended with live firing in night conditions.

On August 21, soldiers of the 4th Militia Brigade (military unit 7404) conducted tactical and specialty exercises. The servicemen practiced blocking the area, guarding railroad tracks, roads and bridges. They also practiced covert surveillance, searching for the enemy and countering illegal armed formations.

On August 23, soldiers of the Berkut separate special forces detachment fired 82 mm mortars and anti-tank missile systems. The crews worked together with UAV operators, who participated in fire adjustment. Among the advantages of the mortar are its small size and high mobility. With the help of such a gun it is possible to fire both from a semi-direct fire and from closed firing positions. All this, together with competent handling, makes it possible to effectively fight the enemy, reduce his visibility on the battlefield and destroy enemy equipment.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Internal Troops of Belarus

Tactical and specialty exercises were held with servicemen of the 1st Militia Brigade (military unit 5448) and the 11th Separate Special Battalion (military unit 7434). During the training, the servicemen practiced the tasks of protecting highways, bridges and other infrastructure facilities. A separate topic of the training was countering illegal armed groups.


On August 7, the decree “On dismissal from the reserve and conscription for compulsory military service, service in the reserve” was signed. The document provides for drafting citizens of Belarus over 18 years old who are fit for service for compulsory military service (service in the reserve) in September-November 2024, as well as dismissing military personnel who have served the prescribed terms of compulsory military service (6-18 months) to the reserve.

On August 7, a military council was held in the Western Operational Command. Under the leadership of the commander of the operational command’s troops, Uladzimir Bely, the results of the first half of the year were summarized and the following issues were discussed: strengthening public security and discipline, the results of measures taken to improve the infrastructure of military towns, an analysis of activities to ensure the safety of small arms and ammunition, etc.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 12-14, the 10th International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2024” was held in Kubinka near Moscow. Minister of Defense of Belarus Viktar Khrenin met with the director of the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, the leadership of Rosoboronexport, Technodinamika, and Almaz-Antei, as well as the defense ministers of Russia and Vietnam.

Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Belarus Andrei Lukyanovich spoke about rearmament plans in an interview: “We also have plans to receive two more batches of aircraft at the beginning of the year [probably 2025]. These are Mi-35 helicopters and another batch of Su-30SM2 aircraft. We are modernizing Su-25 aircraft, including for the use of other means of aerial defeat. Including special [nuclear] munitions. And we are equipping our aircraft with onboard defense systems.” According to the official, the Belarusian military is studying “the experience of China and Iran” in countering UAVs. According to Lukyanovich, all air bases of the Belarusian Armed Forces have a high degree of staffing with pilots. 90% of the personnel are graduates of the Military Academy of Belarus.

Colonel Leonid Davidovich, head of aviation, said that in 2024 the pilots’ flying time increased by 10%. According to the official, they “plan to receive the next batch of Su-30 aircraft already in the most modern modification – Su-30SM2.” Lukyanovich also claimed that the advanced aviation spotters of the Belarusian Armed Forces have the following items with them: 1) means of mobility (car); 2) means of automation – tablet with air situation display; 3) UAV; 4) radio communication kit.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 5-25 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 19, the commander of the Special Operations Forces of the Belarusian Armed Forces, Vadzim Dzenisenka, presented a new commander – Colonel Valery Bulyha – to the personnel of the 38th Air Assault Brigade. By the decision of the board of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus, the previous brigade commander (Colonel Dzmitry Karshunou) was enrolled as a student of the operational-strategic level of the 1st course of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

On August 20-22, a training session with officers graduating from higher military educational institutions of 2024 was held on the basis of military units of the Barysau garrison under the leadership of the commander of the Northwestern Operational Command. A total of about 52 officers arrived in the military units of the operational command.

On August 21, another Russian UAV of the Shahed-136/131 type flew into the airspace of Belarus from Ukraine. The information about the UAV’s entry into Belarus was confirmed by the Ukrainian Air Force Command. It is unknown what happened to the UAV.