Review of military events

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1

September 5, 2024 52 minutes to read

Combat training, activities of the Internal Troops and territorial defense.

Units of the Belarusian Armed Forces continue to be stationed in Homiel region. It was reported about the deployment of a special forces detachment in Kalinkavichy, as well as the work of special units of the Internal Troops in the border area.

Tactical drills continued with the 6th Mechanized Brigade. The drills focused on practicing regaining control of an area seized by an illegal armed group.

Other combat training activities included drills at the Minsk military commandant’s office, training sessions for artillery units of the Special Operations Forces, and combat readiness inspection at the 19th Mechanized Brigade.

During the week, at least 11 Russian drones of the Shahed-136/131 type flew into the territory of Belarus. A fighter of the Belarusian Air Force used missiles to destroy one of them.

Escalation on the border with Ukraine

The Grom special forces detachment of the 5th Special Forces Brigade (military unit 6713) is carrying out tasks on the protection of public security in Homiel region. It was also reported that the Shtorm special forces detachment (military unit 5526) was working in the region bordering Ukraine.

On August 27, head of armament of the Belarusian Armed Forces Andrei Fedzin and commander of the Special Operations Forces Vadzim Dzenisenka visited the staging area of the 103rd Airborne Brigade in the vicinity of Ziabrauka airfield. The military were shown a new set of anti-drone and anti-shock protection developed for the BTR-80.

On August 28, the Telegram channel of the 61st Fighter Air Base reported an increase in the intensity of “airspace patrolling along the state border of the Southern operational direction by Su-30SM fighters.” According to available information, the intensity of flights by the 61st Air Base has increased in recent weeks. Almost every day the fighters perform flights in the southern regions of Belarus. However, these are mostly flights of duty crews, coinciding in time with the attacks of the Russian Armed Forces against Ukraine. That is, the purpose of their flights is primarily to control drones flying into the country.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 21, preparation of “aviation equipment [of the 61st Air Base] for relocation to the operational airfield of the Southern operational direction” was announced. However, as of 15:00 on August 28, the fighters of the 61st Air Base are stationed at the permanent airfield in Baranavichy. It is possible that the statement about the “relocation” of the fighters was part of the disinformation campaign conducted by the Belarusian military. In their resources, the military claim about fake redeployments of troops to the border with Ukraine. The aim is to exaggerate the size of the group in Homiel region. 

On August 28, it was reported that servicemen of the anti-aircraft missile divizion of the 115th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, which performs tasks to reinforce the state border in the airspace in the southern direction, went on combat duty. In addition to the tasks of combat duty, the personnel provide for the protection and defense of the position area and the organization of household activities in the field.

On August 29, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus showed the performance of tasks “to reinforce the state border” in Homiel region by the 382nd Separate Air Assault Battalion of the 38th Air Assault Brigade, as well as by the 355th Separate Tank Battalion of the 120th Mechanized Brigade with an attached unit of military air defense armed with Tunguska systems.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 29, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus said that a special forces detachment of the 432nd Main Military Clinical Medical Center of the Belarusian Armed Forces with the number of ≈50 personnel was deployed in one of the districts. The purpose of the deployment is to provide medical assistance to the Belarusian Armed Forces near the border with Ukraine. It is known that the detachment organized a hospital in Kalinkavichy Central District Hospital.

On August 29, it was reported that personnel of the 50th Combined Air Base, together with units of the Special Operations Forces, continued to perform tasks to reinforce the Belarusian state border in the southern operational direction.

On August 29, it was reported that the 116th Air Assault Base increased the intensity of air patrols along the state border of Belarus in the southern operational direction. 

As of August 29, the number of the group of the Belarusian Armed Forces redeployed to Homiel region increased to ≈1150 personnel. This is the minimum and confirmed number of troops. The number of forces redeployed to the border doesn’t pose a military threat to Ukraine.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 22, the Telegram channel of the 116th Assault Air Base (military unit 19764) announced the preparation of Lida airfield to receive aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces. It was noted that “specialists of the battalion of airfield and material support are carrying out a set of measures to prepare the parking lots for aviation equipment.” According to available information, as of 12:00 on August 29, no redeployment of aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces to Lida airfield was recorded. It is possible that the statement about “relocation” of the aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces to Lida was part of a disinformation campaign. Thus, some propaganda resources claim that units of the Russian Armed Forces (including aviation) may arrive in Belarus in response to a “provocation” by Ukraine.

International cooperation

On August 29, Defense Minister Viktar Khrenin held a meeting with Chinese Ambassador to Belarus Xie Xiaoyong on the occasion of the completion of his diplomatic mission. During the meeting, the Minister of Defense thanked the Chinese Ambassador for his significant contribution to the development of bilateral relations and stressed the importance of further strengthening the bilateral relations between Belarus and China, which have the character of a comprehensive strategic partnership, and noted the existence of good prospects in the sphere of military cooperation.

Combat training

Tactical drills in the 6th Mechanized Brigade

On August 7, it was reported that tactical drills with the 6th Mechanized Brigade would take place “soon”. The topic of the drills is: “Management of the brigade’s military units and subdivisions during combat operations.”

After the completion of additional staffing with conscripts, the brigade’s units will begin coordination. After that, to conduct the active phase of the drills, they will move to areas where they will carry out tasks at training grounds and terrain in Hrodna region. The idea of drills is purely defensive in nature. During its development, one of the possible variants of the development of the military and political situation in the western operational direction was used. During the drills, about 200 reservists were drafted.

On August 15, it was reported that a decision had been made to “significantly increase the intensity” of activities with the 6th Mechanized Brigade. It was also noted that units of the 6th Mechanized Brigade had completed additional staffing and had begun moving to training grounds and terrain for combat coordination.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 20, tactical and specialty drills began with the material support battalion of the 6th Mechanized Brigade. The drills focused on managing the battalion’s units while receiving fuel and lubricants, transferring it to units, and refueling military vehicles. On August 26, units of the 6th Mechanized Brigade practiced overcoming water obstacles. 

According to the commander of the Western Operational Command, the tactical drills practiced “the issue of restoring control over an area with a large number of lakes and swamps”. In order to support the actions of the units of the 6th Mechanized Brigade, servicemen of the 48th Separate Electronic Warfare Battalion carried out radio-reconnaissance and radio-suppression tasks.

Soldiers of the 6th Mechanized Brigade also served at checkpoints in cooperation with representatives of the Border Guard Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and territorial troops.

Inspection of the 19th Mechanized Brigade

In August, the motorized rifle and tank units of the 19th Mechanized Brigade were brought to readiness for assigned tasks. As part of the activities, at least 100 conscripts were drafted from the reserve.

It was reported that long-term storage equipment was removed from storage and prepared for marching to assigned areas. Tactical, medical, special training and equipment training are conducted with conscripts drafted from the reserve. The exercises are designed to restore and improve the skills of reservists and to prepare them for carrying out their tasks. 

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 31, the next stage of combat readiness inspection of the 19th Mechanized Brigade was reported. Soldiers began loading equipment for departure to assigned areas. This was preceded by training sessions with conscripts drafted from the reserve, as well as the removal of long-storage equipment. It was noted that servicemen would be practicing in the staging areas under conditions close to combat ones.

Other combat training activities

On August 26, field drills began in the 74th Separate Signal Regiment. The objectives of the field drills are to improve the level of training of the regiment’s units and their coordination in performing assigned tasks in various training and combat conditions.

On August 26, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus reported that units of the 336th Rocket Artillery Brigade (armed with 300-mm Smerch MLRS) went to a training ground in Russia “to practice issues of combat use.”

On August 26, it was reported that the personnel of the 191st Artillery Group of the 19th Mechanized Brigade marched in a combined manner to the Asipovichski training ground. The 231st Artillery Brigade personnel are also undergoing combat training exercises at the training ground.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 27-29, tactical and specialty drills were held at the Minsk military commandant’s office under the direction of the head of the Troops Service Department of the Belarusian Armed Forces. As part of the drills, the units of the military commandant’s office marched to the assigned area to practice combat training tasks and assigned tasks, including maintaining military discipline and law and order, patrolling, as well as organizing access control. The unit’s location on the ground, fortification equipment in the area of deployment, and service at the checkpoint were also practiced

A joint camp training session of artillery units of the Special Operations Forces is being held at the Brestski training ground. The combined artillery divizions of the 38th Air Assault Brigade and the 103rd Airborne Brigade are taking part in the training session.

Units of the 15th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, the 8th Radio-Technical Brigade and the 56th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment have returned to Belarus after the completion of operational-tactical drills held at the Ashuluk training ground (Russia).

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

Intensive combat training exercises are being conducted at the Losvida training ground of the 103rd Airborne Brigade. The units are performing firing exercises with small arms, grenade launchers and armored vehicles. The parachute battalion of the rapid reaction forces has begun company control and tactical exercises.

A methodological training session for platoon commanders is taking place in the 38th Air Assault Brigade. During the training session, a number of issues in various areas are being worked on. Particular attention is paid to introducing the experience [of the war in Ukraine] into the combat training process. Among the topical issues to which special attention is paid are tactical medicine, first aid for various injuries, storming an enemy stronghold, working with UAVs of various types, and countering enemy UAVs. 

Servicemen of one of the units of the 5th Special Forces Brigade arrived in the area of field drills. The servicemen are being trained in a forested and swampy area.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

One of the units of the 127th Signal Brigade (territorial) was sent to take part in drills on Russian territory. It was not reported what kind of drills they were taking part in.

Military commissariats and territorial defense

Military training sessions

On August 6, conscripts drafted to training sessions took the oath in the 19th Mechanized Brigade. At least 10 reservists were drafted.

On August 28, another military training session began in the 120th Mechanized Brigade. About 100 reservists were drafted. The training session will last 25 days. The reservists will be trained in motorized rifle units, communication, security and service units.

On August 29, another training session with conscripts was completed in the 111th Artillery Brigade. 10 reservists were drafted. 

On August 29, another training session with conscripts was completed in the 74th Separate Signal Regiment. More than 20 reservists were drafted. 

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 30, another training session with conscripts was completed at the 815th Technical Support Center. 20 reservists were drafted

On August 30, 9 conscripts arrived at the military commissariat of Luninets and Hantsavichy districts after a training session at the 46th arsenal of missiles and ammunition.


On August 21, it was reported that a reserve officer arrived at the 36th Road and Bridge Brigade for service.

Vacancies requiring knowledge of foreign languages have opened in the radio-electronic reconnaissance and communication units of the Belarusian Armed Forces. Specialists with knowledge of the official languages of NATO countries bordering Belarus (Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, and English) are invited to serve under contract. Amid the belligerent rhetoric of the Lukashenka regime, as well as the constant accusations of aggressive actions by Western countries against Belarus, this is not surprising. We may assume that the military is increasing its reconnaissance against the NATO countries bordering Belarus.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 29, the military commissariat of Minsk district drafted two reserve officers to the 65th motor brigade. Reserve officers are drafted on the basis of the decree No. 179 of 29.04.2024. 

On August 29, the military commissariat of Pinsk and Pinsk district held an open mobile trial on two criminal cases of evasion of draft for compulsory military service ( p.1 Art.435 of the Criminal Code). The court found the conscripts guilty.

Territorial defense

From August 26 to September 6, the second stage of the inspection of the territorial defense management bodies of Homiel region is held under the leadership of the head of the territorial defense directorate – the deputy head of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces. The purpose of the inspection is to assess the level of training of the territorial defense of the region, as well as to determine the effectiveness of work of the officials of the district executive committees and military commissariats of Homiel region in the formation of the territorial troops.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On September 3-27, a training session with conscripts of the territorial troops will be held in Kamianets district (Brest region). About 140 reservists are to be drafted. Belarusian Hajun wrote about the drills on July 23.

The separate rifle battalion of the territorial troops of Vaukavysk district is taking part in tactical drills with the 6th Mechanized Brigade. During the drills, the reservists will fight sabotage and reconnaissance groups, as well as serve at checkpoints set up in Vaukavysk district. On August 30, it was reported that the training session with conscripts of the territorial troops in Vaukavysk was completed.

National home guard

On August 13, exercises were held in Mstsislaul with volunteers of national home guard detachments and their deputies. The issues of staffing and formation of national home guard detachments, as well as issues of material support, accounting for the issuance of weapons and ammunition, and tactical medicine training were discussed, as well as issues of further development of the national home guard in Mstsislaul district.


Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

In August, officers of the military commissariat together with officers of the internal affairs department conducted exercises with volunteers of the national home guard detachments in Lahoisk district.

On August 28, a training session on territorial defense was held in Barysau. The main topic of the event was the national home guard. About 60 people attended the training. These were chairmen of village executive committees of Barysau and Krupki districts, commanders of national home guard detachments and their deputies. The participants of the training session practiced first aid skills, the issues of formation of national home guard detachments, got acquainted with the order of use of weapons, protection and defense of local infrastructure, etc.

Military commissariats

On August 20, the military commissariat of Hrodna city and Hrodna district inspected the readiness of Parechcha village executive committee to perform tasks during mobilization measures.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 28, exercises were held at the military commissariat of Stolin district with officials of organizations that are suppliers of transport vehicles. They discussed changes in the legislation on the issues of military transport duty, as well as the procedure for maintaining mobilization readiness of vehicles.

On August 29, demonstrative exercises were held with officials of village executive committees of Kirau district on the topic “Appointment, composition, and documentation of the center of collection and dispatch [of conscripts] of the village executive committee.” They practiced the procedure of actions when receiving a signal (order) from the military commissariat.

Internal Troops

On August 17, another combat training with the Chest’ special forces detachment was held at the Valoushchyna training center. An instructor [of PMC Wagner] with real combat experience continued the course of military topography. Under the guidance of instructors from the main department of the Commander of the Internal Troops, the group of UAV operators continued the course of training in standard flight modes. And during the engineering training exercises, they studied methods of installing standard engineering munitions.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Internal Troops of Belarus

On August 17-18, Chest’ special forces detachment under the guidance of instructors from Russia’s TAK MED Special Training Center held tactical medicine exercises. During the two-day training, the soldiers received practical skills in providing medical assistance in conditions closest to a combat situation, as well as studied various methods of evacuating the wounded.

Tactical drills were held with the personnel of the 13th Rifle Company of the 1st Militia Brigade (military unit 5448). During the drills, the servicemen practiced moving to the area of probable location of an escaped convict and searching for him in the forest. The company’s deployment on the terrain and the destruction of an armed group of the conditional enemy at night were also considered. 

During the training, the personnel of the patrol units of military unit 5527 practiced the protection of transport infrastructure facilities, as well as the fight against illegal armed groups.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Internal Troops of Belarus

Tactical and specialty training was held with the personnel of the 4th Militia Brigade (military unit 7404) on the suppression of mass riots. The servicemen together with internal affairs officers practiced elements of combat formation, various ways of detaining offenders, as well as strengthened skills to protect public order in a difficult socio-political situation. And commanders improved their skills in managing personnel during “special operations.”

Units of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection (RCBP) of the 1st Militia Brigade, the 3rd Special Forces Brigade and the 11th Separate Special Battalion took part in = field drills of the 8th Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection Brigade of the Belarusian Armed Forces. The field drills were held at the Staradarozhski training ground. The servicemen practiced NCB reconnaissance and surveillance, deployment, camouflage and protection of special treatment points for equipment, facilities and roads, as well as practiced selecting contaminated materials.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Internal Troops of Belarus

On August 31, another training with the Chest’ special forces detachment took place at the Valoushchyna training center. The unit consists of members of the Association of Veterans of Special Forces Detachments of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the firearms training, the fighters continued to improve their skills with weapons. They also practiced working in small groups in wooded areas. A group of UAV operators practiced controlling UAVs in standard flight modes. The instructors at the training sessions were servicemen from the Rys’ separate special forces detachment.

Flights of Shahed 136/131 drones in Belarus

Russian UAVs of the Shahed 136/131 type continued to fly into the territory of Belarus. At least 3 UAVs flew into the territory of Belarus on the night of August 26. It is known that the duty crews of the Belarusian Air Force weren’t raised to intercept the drones. And on the night of August 27, at least 6 Russian UAVs of the Shahed 136/131 type flew into Belarus. At the same time, the duty fighter of the Belarusian Air Force was flying over the southern regions of Belarus almost the whole night. 

On the night of August 29, another Russian UAV of the Shahed 136/131 type flew into the territory of Belarus. It is known that a Belarusian Air Force fighter used missiles to destroy the Russian drone.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Belarusian Hajun

On August 31, during another Russian missile attack against Ukraine, one UAV of the Shahed 136/131 type flew into Belarus. Aviation of the Belarusian Armed Forces wasn’t used intercept the drone.


On August 26-27, 145 students who graduated from the reserve officer training program at the military transport faculty of Belarusian State University of Transport took the military oath after final exams.

On August 27, it was reported about personnel appointments in the Belarusian Armed Forces. 1) Uladzimir Biely was appointed head of the Main Directorate for Combat Training of the Armed Forces. Before the appointment, he was commander of the troops of the Western Operational Command. 2) Vadzim Surau was appointed commander of the troops of the Western Operational Command. Prior to his appointment, he was head of the 72nd Joint Training Center. 3) Aliaksandr Aheichyk was appointed head of the 72nd Joint Training Center. Prior to his appointment, his position was unknown.

A search crew of the 90th Separate Special Battalion of the Belarusian Armed Forces arrived in Belarus. It was reported that in August-September, the servicemen of the 52nd Separate Specialized Search Battalion of the Belarusian Armed Forces and their Russian colleagues would carry out search operations in Polatsk district of Vitsiebsk region.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

A training session was held at the 49th Radio-Technical Brigade for officers graduating from military educational institutions who arrived for service. During the training session, the servicemen got acquainted with the history of the military unit and gained knowledge of the forms and methods of training and education of the personnel. A total of 17 graduates of 2024 arrived at the brigade.

The commander of the 48th Separate Electronic Warfare Battalion, Yauhen Kozel, has been enrolled as a student at the General Staff Faculty of the Military Academy. Vadzim Shkoda was appointed the new battalion commander. 

Dzmitry Korshunau, the commander of the 38th Air Assault Brigade, was enrolled as a first-year student of the operational-strategic level of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces by a decision of the board of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus. Valery Bulyha, who previously served as the brigade’s chief of staff, was appointed brigade’s new commander.

Maksim Yaromski, the commander of the 927th UAV training and use center, was enrolled as a student at the General Staff Faculty of the Military Academy. Dzmitry Kudryautseu, who previously held the position of deputy head of the center for flight training, was appointed the new commander of the unit.

On August 31, 67 freshmen (including 10 women) took the military oath at the military faculty of Belarusian State University.

Review of military events in Belarus on August 26-September 1 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On August 31, more than one hundred freshmen took the military oath at the Institute of Border Guard Service. It was noted that more than 70% of the cadets of the 2024 intake are graduates of secondary schools. The rest are graduates of cadet schools, military-patriotic classes or clubs, as well as servicemen of the Border Guard Service.

On August 31, 132 freshmen took the military oath at the military-technical faculty of Belarusian National Technical University.

On August 31, more than 60 freshmen took the military oath at the military faculty of Belarusian State Academy of Aviation.

On August 31, more than 100 freshmen took the military oath at the military faculty of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

On August 31, more than 50 freshmen took the military oath at the Military Medical Institute.

On September 7, 39 freshmen of the military transport faculty of Belarusian State University of Transport will take the oath.

15 graduates of 2024 arrived at the Polatsk Border Guard Detachment for service. Among them are graduates of the Institute of Border Guard Service, Hrodna State University and Belarusian State University of Transport.