October 16, 2024 42 minutes to read

Combat training, activities of the Internal Troops and territorial defense.

During the week, 7 Russian drones flew into Belarus (6 of the Shahed-136/131 type, and 1 reconnaissance drone). It is known that some of them returned to Ukraine. The Belarusian Air Force was not used to intercept the drones.

Two Yak-130 combat trainer aircraft were withdrawn from Babruisk airfield to the permanent deployment airfield in Lida. The aircraft had been in Babruisk for almost a month as part of “strengthening the protection of the border with Ukraine.”

Comprehensive exercises with conscripts who had previously served in special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops were held in Minsk and Homiel during the week. It was reported that 22 “volunteer” units were established within the Ministry of Internal Affairs system.

On October 8-11, the annual mobilization readiness exercises were held under the leadership of the chairmen of regional executive committees. The exercises were aimed at improving the level of preparation and coordination of the defense authorities for the formation of units of the territorial troops.

Escalation on the border with Ukraine

On October 7, two Yak-130 combat trainer aircraft of the 116th Assault Air Base of the Belarusian Armed Forces (military unit 19764) flew from Babruisk airfield to the permanent airfield in Lida. The aircraft had been in Babruisk since September 11. During this time, they made at least 6 flights. The redeployment of the Yak-130 to Babruisk took place after the withdrawal of four Su-25 attack aircraft, which had been stationed at Babruisk airfield for a month as part of “strengthening protection of the border with Ukraine”.

On October 11, servicemen of the Internal Troops (including the Tornado special forces detachment, military unit 3310) held an exhibition of weapons and military equipment for students of educational institutions in Naroulia (Homiel region).

Russian MiG-31

On October 9, a MiG-31K fighter of the Russian Aerospace Forces arrived at Machulishchy airfield. There have been no aircraft of this type in Belarus for the last 1.5 years – since April 6, 2023. On October 10, the second MiG-31K aircraft arrived at Machulishchy airfield. On the same day, both aircraft left Machulishchy airfield and flew to the south and, most likely, subsequently flew to Russia. The arrival of the aircraft was not officially reported.

International cooperation

On October 7, representatives of the Vietnam Military Technical Academy visited the Military Academy of Belarus. The delegation was presented with an exhibition of scientific and technical developments of the academy, as well as a training stationary complex of the Faculty of Communications. On October 9, it was reported that the Vietnamese delegation visited the General Staff Department of the Military Academy and a number of enterprises of the Belarusian military-industrial complex.

On October 8, it was reported that a military delegation from Zimbabwe arrived at the Ministry of Defense of Belarus. Leanid Kasinski, the head of the Main Directorate for Ideological Work, held a meeting with the delegation, during which they discussed cooperation between the countries in the information sphere. According to Kasinski, the system of information activity created in the Belarusian army allows to ensure the dominance of official information of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus in the information field of the country and beyond its borders. It was also reported that the military from Zimbabwe visited the Vayar news agency and the VoyenTV TV company.

On October 8, the 24th meeting of the Belarusian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation started in Izhevsk. On October 9, the participants of the meeting visited Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant “Kupol” (specializing in the production of short-range air defense systems), as well as the ZALA AERO GROUP company. And on October 10, the final protocol of the commission meeting was signed.

Combat training

Combat readiness inspection of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces

On October 8, it was reported that Pavel Muraveika, the chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces, inspected the events of the combat readiness inspection. According to the official, the units participating in the inspection moved to assigned areas, where they carried out a set of measures on camouflage, organization of anti-drone protection and radio-electronic cover. And began to fulfill the tasks within the framework of operational-tactical drills with the Belarusian Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Belarusian Armed Forces.

As part of the first stage of the drills, the issues of countering enemy aircraft and repelling air strikes were practiced. More than 10 aviation guidance points staffed with servicemen drafted from the reserve were deployed on the territory of Belarus. The reservists promptly regained their skills and carried out targeting of aircraft against aerial targets. 

On October 10, it was reported that as part of an inspection, the 50th Combined Air Base was tasked with a combat training mission to conduct an air strike against a convoy of vehicles. The crews of Mi-35M helicopters detected the “convoy” and successfully struck it.

Other combat training events

On October 7-25, a training session with reserve officers drafted in 2024 is held in the Northwestern Operational Command. The training session will be held in two stages: on October 7-11, training in general military subjects within the framework of individual training; on October 14-25, training in the specialty within the framework of individual training in the units of the operational command. A total of about 100 reserve officers take part in the training session.

Training on the use of FPV drones was held in the 11th Mechanized Brigade. The servicemen were told about the methods and ways of operating UAVs. They were also shown a movie, in which it was demonstrated how FPV drones are used. It was reported that the brigade conducted exercises with the administration of the personnel reception center.

On October 10, it was reported that scheduled drills will be held in Malaryta district (Brest region) on October 14-18. The drills will include practicing the skills of rapid response to tasks of any complexity and the use of small arms. No other details were reported.

Review of military events in Belarus on October 7-13 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

A training session for drivers of BTR-82A and BTR-80K armored personnel carriers is being held in the 6th Mechanized Brigade. During the training session, the servicemen have already completed a preparatory exercise on driving the vehicles and also practiced loading them onto a flatcar.

Control exercises were held at the Obuz-Liasnouski training ground under the supervision of the head of the Main Directorate for Combat Training of the Belarusian Armed Forces with commanders of mechanized brigades, their deputies and battalion commanders, as well as representatives of the 72nd Joint Training Center and the Military Academy. During the exercises, the officers passed tests on driving the T-72B tank and BMP-2, firing the weapons of combat vehicles, and also performed various small arms exercises.

The crews of Mi-8MTV-5 and Mi-35M helicopters performed flight exercises in daylight and nighttime at the 50th Combined Air Base and hit targets at the Ruzhany training ground with 23-mm GSh-23L automatic cannons.

Review of military events in Belarus on October 7-13 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

Officers of the general military training department of the Military Transport Faculty of Belarusian State University of Transport were trained by “experienced instructors with combat experience” (former PMC Wagner mercenaries).

Military commissariats and territorial defense

Military commissariats

On October 9, it was reported that the military commissariats of Minsk were undergoing a comprehensive inspection by the commission of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Department of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces. There were no other details about the inspection.

Military training sessions

On October 7, it was reported that another stage of training for conscripts assigned to the headquarters of territorial defense areas began at the 6th Mechanized Brigade. Among other things, the reservists practiced keeping records of personnel and materiel. They will also get acquainted with “modern trends in combat with the involvement of military units and subdivisions of territorial troops.” At least 3 conscripts were drafted from the reserve.

On October 7, two conscripts arrived at the military commissariat of Verkhniadzvinsk district after the training session at the 72nd joint training center.

Review of military events in Belarus on October 7-13 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On October 8, it was reported that a training session with conscripts began in the 108th Separate Material Support Regiment. About 35 reservists were drafted.

On October 8, the military commissariats of Drahichyn and Kamianets districts sent 23 conscripts to a training session on the maintenance of military equipment and materiel of the untouchable reserve. The training session is held on the basis of the 6th Mechanized Brigade.

On October 8, the military commissariat of Vileika district sent 5 conscripts to the 72nd joint training center for a training session.

On October 8, a send-off was held at the 19th Mechanized Brigade for conscripts drafted from the reserves to conduct combat coordination of one of the units. About 200 reservists were drafted.

On October 9, it was reported that a training session with conscripts was being held in the 74th Separate Signal Regiment. At least 10 reservists were drafted.

Conscription for compulsory military service

During the fall 2024 conscription, the military commissariat of Astravets district plans to draft 40 people for compulsory service.

Review of military events in Belarus on October 7-13 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

During the fall 2024 conscription, 50 people are planned to be drafted from Navahrudak district for compulsory military service.

During the fall 2024 conscription, 32 people are planned to be drafted from Slavharad district for compulsory military service.

During the fall 2024 conscription, 60 people are planned to be drafted from Vileika district for compulsory military service.

During the fall 2024 conscription, it is planned to draft 60 people from Kletsk district for compulsory service.

During the fall 2024 conscription, the military commissariat of Minsk is planning to draft about 1900 people for compulsory military service. About 30 more people will serve in the reserve. Scheduled dispatch of conscripts to the troops will take place from October 22 to November 5. The new recruits will take the military oath in the Belarusian Armed Forces on November 23.

During the fall 2024 conscription, the military commissariat of Polatsk, Rasonsy district and Navapolatsk will draft 240 conscripts for compulsory service. In total, 440 people were summoned to the meetings of draft commissions. It was reported that about 200 conscripts would be left for the spring 2025 conscription, as the military units are already fully staffed. 

Conscription of reserve officers

Review of military events in Belarus on October 7-13 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On October 9, the military commissariat of Drahichyn district drafted 1 reserve officer for military service.

On October 9, the military commissariat of Masty district drafted 3 reserve officers for military service.

On October 9, the military commissariat of Zavodski district of Minsk drafted 2 reserve officers for military service.

In 2024, the military commissariat of Miadziel district drafted 10 reserve officers for military service.

In 2024, 13 reserve officers were drafted to the 51st Artillery Brigade and the 336th Rocket Artillery Brigade.

Territorial defense

On October 8-11, the annual mobilization readiness training was held under the leadership of the chairmen of regional executive committees. The training was aimed at improving the level of preparation and coordination of territorial defense management bodies for the formation of territorial troops.

It was reported that in all administrative districts of Belarus, theoretical and practical activities aimed at improving the skills of officials of executive committees, military commissariats and administrations of mobilization resource reception centers were held. As part of the exercises, conscripts (reserve officers) were drafted for a one-day training session to learn the basics and procedures of actions during the formation of territorial troops. The readiness of the base of mobilization deployment of the territorial troops to carry out the planned activities was also inspected. In addition, exercises on preparation for the formation of the national home guard were conducted.

National home guard

Review of military events in Belarus on October 7-13 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On October 4, training with commanders and deputy commanders of national home guard detachments was held in Liady village executive committee of Cherven district.

On October 4, exercises on the topic “Procedure of preparation for formation and provision of national home guard” were held in Masty. During the exercises, the issues of providing national home guard detachments with body armor and unloading vests were also discussed. It was reported that a total of 93 people are members of the national home guard in Masty district.

On 7 October the head of the territorial defense group of the military commissariat of Klimavichy and Khotsimsk districts held exercises with the employees of the branch “Klimavichy power grids” in order to “carry out propaganda work on joining the national home guard and increase the number of volunteers.”

On October 10, a training with persons planned to be appointed as commanders of national home guard detachments of Slutsk district, as well as their deputies was held on the basis of Slutsk Regional Department of Internal Affairs.

Internal Troops

Soldiers of the 5th Militia Brigade (military unit 6713) underwent tactical and special training, during which they practiced the protection of Mahiliou airport. The servicemen deepened their knowledge of countering illegal armed groups, and commanders improved their skills of unit management in case of complications.

Conscription for compulsory military service.

Review of military events in Belarus on October 7-13 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On October 8, comprehensive exercises with conscripts who had previously served in special forces detachments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Smerch and Chest’ special forces detachments) were held at the Valoushchyna training center. The event was held “as part of the realization of [Lukashenka’s] order to bring the army and the power block as a whole into perfect condition.” The reservists demonstrated their skills in firearms, tactical, military engineering and medical training, as well as mastery of UAV operation. They also practiced coordination and efficiency of actions in suppressing mass riots, storming a building and transport.

Summarizing the results of the exercises, State Secretary of the Security Council Aliaksandr Valfovich said, “Such events are a new form of conscription: for a day or two, without using the mobilization system.” According to the official, if necessary, reservists (bypassing military commissariats) will be able to arrive at the units within a few hours. The necessary equipment and weapons have already been prepared for them there.

Minister of Internal Affairs Ivan Kubrakou noted that 22 “volunteer” special forces detachments have been established in the ministry’s system, and their number of personnel is constantly growing. They are made up of those who served in special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Volunteer special forces detachments are formed in each unit (formation) of the Internal Troops, Almaz unit, special militia detachments (in Minsk and all regions). According to the official, drills (similar to those held on 8 October) will be organized all over Belarus.

Review of military events in Belarus on October 7-13 Internal Troops of Belarus

On October 9, it was reported that a training session with soldiers of the Smerch special forces detachment (military unit 3214) had been completed. “Instructors with combat experience” (former mercenaries of the PMC Wagner) were involved in conducting exercises with the reservists.

On October 10, it was reported that “as part of the implementation of [Lukashenka’s] order to bring the army and the power bloc into perfect condition,” two-day comprehensive exercises were held in Homiel on the basis of the 6th Militia Brigade (military unit 5525) with conscripts who had previously served in the OMON of the Department of Internal Affairs of Homiel Regional Executive Committee and special forces units of the Internal Troops. During the training, the volunteers improved their skills in tactical, military-engineering, medical and firearms training, as well as practiced coordination of actions in suppressing mass riots. There were also exercises in firearms training, working with UAVs, sapper work, military topography, and storming enemy positions. Exercises with reservists were conducted by “experienced instructors.”

On October 12, another training of UAV operators for the Chest’ special forces detachment under the guidance of instructors of the Rys’ separate special forces detachment took place on the base of military unit 5529.

Review of military events in Belarus on October 7-13 Internal Troops of Belarus

On October 13, it was reported that the fire support group of the Special Rapid Response Detachment was “actively and purposefully improving its skills in handling various types of weapons.” In conditions close to real-life ones, the fighters are practicing firing the 82-mm Podnos mortar, the AGS-17 Plamya grenade launcher, the 12.7-mm NSV Utyos machine gun and the 122-mm D-30 howitzer.

Flights of Russian UAVs into Belarus

On October 7, flights of 4 Russian UAVs of the Shahed-136/131 type into the airspace of Belarus were recorded. It is known that at least two of them subsequently flew to Ukraine. Nothing is known about the fate of two other UAVs. The Belarusian Air Force wasn’t used to intercept the UAVs.

On October 8, a flight of a Russian UAV (presumably a reconnaissance drone) into Belarus was recorded. The drone subsequently flew to Ukraine. The Belarusian Air Force wasn’t used to intercept it.

On October 11, flights of two Russian UAVs of the Shahed-136/131 type into the airspace of Belarus were recorded. It is known that one of them subsequently flew to Ukraine. Nothing is known about the fate of the second UAV. The Belarusian Air Force wasn’t used to intercept the UAVs.

Review of military events in Belarus on October 7-13 Belarusian Hajun

Amendments to legislation

On October 7, Decree No.392 was signed, which provides for a new version of Decree No.215 of June 5, 2019 “On the suppression of flights of aircraft models and unmanned aerial vehicles.” The document stipulates the right to use physical force, special means, weapons, military equipment not only in relation to aircraft models and UAVs, but also unmanned aircraft, unmanned vehicles (including underwater and surface vessels, as well as land-based unmanned vehicles). The right to use weapons and special means in relation to UAVs is additionally granted to employees of a number of paramilitary organizations (Investigative Committee, State Committee for Forensic Expertise, State Inspection for the Protection of Fauna and Flora, emergency situation bodies and units, financial investigation bodies, customs authorities).

Border guard authorities

On October 7-9, a training session was held on the basis of the Lida Border Guard Detachment for the senior staff of the territorial bodies of the Border Guard Service. The main purpose of the training was to improve the professional knowledge and practical skills of heads of border guard groups and detachments in the management of formations and units. Much attention was paid to the exchange of best practices, the use of unmanned aerial systems to search for and, if necessary, destroy border violators, and to ensure the security of military units. As part of the training session program, the level of officers’ knowledge of firearms and physical training was also tested.


Review of military events in Belarus on October 7-13 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

Buggies, quad bikes and motorcycles were put into service with units of the Internal Troops. It was noted that “the experience of modern armed conflicts has brought light and fast vehicles back to the front.” It is much harder to hit (including by enemy UAVs) soldiers who travel using the means of transportation listed above. While initially, for example, motorcycles were used mainly to deliver ammunition and food, they have now become a direct combat vehicle.


On October 7, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus organized a meeting with rectors of higher education institutions in Belarus. The topic of the meeting was the organization of training of students in UAV operator training programs. During the meeting, the participants outlined the timeframe for the project’s implementation, as well as problematic issues.