Review of military events

Review of military events in Belarus on September 30-October 6

October 10, 2024 37 minutes to read

Combat training, activities of the Internal Troops and territorial defense.

During the week, 4 Russian drones of the Shahed-136/131 type flew into Belarus. One of them crashed and exploded in Kalinkavichy. The Belarusian Air Force was not used to intercept the Shahed drones.

On September 30, the Belarusian Armed Forces began another stage of combat readiness inspection. The main focus is on the readiness of air force and air defense units to perform the assigned tasks.

A tank battalion of the 120th Mechanized Brigade was withdrawn from the area bordering Ukraine to the permanent deployment point. The unit had been in Homiel region for almost two months.

In the first 9 months of 2024, Russia supplied Belarus with ≈2500 tons of ammunition, as well as a small amount of military equipment. Most ammunition was supplied to the 2631st airbase of missile armament and ammunition (military unit 94017).

Escalation on the border with Ukraine

On September 30, it was reported that servicemen of the 38th Air Assault Brigade continued to carry out tasks to reinforce the state border of Belarus. The goal is to ensure the security of citizens, prevent border violations, and eliminate channels for the supply of weapons and ammunition. Important facilities, including roads and overpasses, have been taken under guard. Units of the Special Operations Forces work in close cooperation with local authorities, border guards and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On October 2, it became known that the 355th Separate Tank Battalion of the 120th Mechanized Brigade (military unit 25853) was withdrawn from the border with Ukraine to the permanent deployment point. The battalion was redeployed to Homiel and Mazyr districts on August 11. It is currently unknown whether this is a rotation (and another tank battalion was redeployed to the border), or just the battalion’s withdrawal to the permanent deployment point.

On October 2, it was reported that servicemen of the 38th Air Assault Brigade conducted tactical medicine exercises at Kalinkavichy secondary school No.6. The students were taught first aid and the algorithm of actions when evacuating a wounded person from the battlefield.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 30-October 6 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On October 3, it was reported that the vocal-instrumental ensemble “Eagles over Bug” of the 38th Air Assault Brigade performed for the servicemen, who carry out tasks to strengthen the state border of Belarus.

International cooperation

On October 2, a meeting of the Coordination Committee of metrological services of the CIS member states was held in Minsk. During the meeting, the issues of improving metrological support of the Armed Forces of the CIS member states, training and re-training of metrologists in the interests of the Armed Forces, and organization of metrological support of the Armed Forces of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Uzbekistan were discussed.

On October 2, a meeting of the Coordination Committee of the Chiefs of Communications of the Armed Forces of the CIS member states was held in St. Petersburg. Vadzim Romaniv, the head of communications of the Belarusian Armed Forces, made a report on the status and development of the national segment of the joint (united) communications system of the CIS member states.

On October 3, the Department of International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus reported that the Belarusian military delegation visited the Strategic Research Center of the Qatar Armed Forces. The Belarusian military got acquainted with the structure of the center and directions of its work. It was also reported that agreements were reached to unite efforts in the sphere of analyzing the military and political situation in the Middle East and Eastern European regions.

Combat training

Combat readiness inspection of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces

On September 30, another stage of combat readiness inspection of units of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Belarusian Armed Forces began. It was not specified which units were subject to the inspection. It was noted that all training grounds of the Belarusian Armed Forces would be involved in the combat training tasks. The personnel of the involved units will perform a full range of measures to prepare weapons and military equipment for use and go to the assigned areas. 

As part of the inspection, conscripts were drafted from the reserve. It was reported that conscription was carried out, among others, to the 1072nd Central Command Center of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces. A personnel reception center was deployed to receive conscripts. It was reported that reservists received a summons on the eve of the conscription to a military training session. On October 2, the conscripts took the military oath.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 30-October 6 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On October 6, it was reported that one of the military units involved in the inspection had begun tactical and specialty drills under the leadership of Air Force and Air Defense Forces Commander Andrei Lukyanovich. During the drills, units march to assigned areas, where the personnel will perform a set of measures on engineering equipment, camouflage, as well as the organization of protection and defense of the position of the troops. Conscripts drafted from the reserve are involved in the drills.

Unbreakable Brotherhood-2024 CSTO drills.

The “Unbreakable Brotherhood-2024” command-staff drills with the CSTO Collective Peacekeeping Forces continued in Kazakhstan. Servicemen of the peacekeeping company of the 103rd Airborne Brigade of the Belarusian Armed Forces, a combined unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (OMON and the Rys’ special forces detachment), officers of the command of the Special Operations Forces and the Ministry of Defense of Belarus are taking part in the drills representing Belarus. As part of the preparations for the drills, Kazakh instructors with experience in peacekeeping operations conduct training and briefings with the servicemen.

On October 1, the drills officially began. A total of more than 2000 servicemen, 500 armored and motorized vehicles, aircraft and UAVs are involved in the drills. During the maneuvers, issues related to the preparation and conduct of a peacekeeping operation by the Collective Peacekeeping Forces of the CSTO will be practiced.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 30-October 6 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

According to Khasan Kaloyev, deputy chief of the CSTO Joint Staff, “The peculiarity [of the Unbreakable Brotherhood-2024 drills] is that in addition to military formations, units of internal affairs bodies, Internal Troops and National Guard, security bodies and emergency prevention and response bodies are involved.”

As part of the drills, CSTO peacekeeping units practiced repelling an attack on a settlement, blocking and detaining a conditional enemy. The servicemen also practiced duty at checkpoints, patrolling settlements and delivering humanitarian aid by ground and air transport. On October 5, it was reported that the drills had been completed.

Other combat training activities

On September 30, a review of readiness for upcoming combat training exercises was held in the reconnaissance battalion of the 6th Mechanized Brigade. During the review, the condition of weapons and military equipment, the fit of equipment and outfits, the level of knowledge of tactical and special training, etc. were inspected.

A command-staff training with the Western Operational Command was held in Hrodna. The event was held under the leadership of the Chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces. The purpose of the training was to assess the degree of readiness of the management bodies to perform tasks in the changing situation. The main emphasis was placed on the quality and justification of the decisions made, the development of effective measures to prepare troops for the upcoming actions, the development of modern options for solving problems, taking into account the experience of the war in Ukraine.

Special UAV units have been established in the troops of the Northwestern Operational Command, which are equipped with a variety of aircraft- and multirotor-type UAVs. Personnel improve their skills in their use on a daily basis. Special augmented reality simulators and computer programs are used for training to learn how to operate UAVs. 

UAV crews are widely used in drills and trainings. They are used for reconnaissance, artillery fire guidance and adjustment, and precision strikes, including using FPV drones. The Northwestern Operational Command sees great potential in the use of UAVs, so it aims to further develop this area. The staff of the operational command’s mechanized and artillery units includes UAV crews, and the personnel’s skills in their operation and control are being improved.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 30-October 6 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

Control and tactical exercises are held with one of the mechanized battalions of the 6th Mechanized Brigade at the training facility of the Kobrнn fortified area. The goal is to check the level of preparation of the personnel and strengthen the acquired knowledge and skills. The training program includes medical training, UAV control, trench storming, as well as tactical actions in various terrain conditions. Special attention is paid to clearing dugouts and trench communications and providing medical assistance.

Field drills of units of the 231st Artillery Brigade and the 191st Artillery Group of the 19th Mechanized Brigade continue at the Asipovichski training ground. Servicemen are practicing tasks and tests for deployment and occupation of firing positions, their engineering equipment and camouflage, detection of targets and fire defeat. The exercises are conducted in conditions of countering reconnaissance and sabotage and reconnaissance groups, air reconnaissance and enemy fire. Fire control systems and UAVs are used during the exercises.

Soldiers of the 5th Special Forces Brigade performed diving descents. The personnel practiced descents with live firing, azimuth movement, transportation of cargo weighing more than 10 kilograms, and special work.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 30-October 6 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

Traditionally, with the onset of autumn, military units of the Belarusian Armed Forces transfer weapons and military equipment to winter operation mode. For example, the 56th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment will transfer 188 pieces of weapons and military equipment to winter operation mode until November 6.

Exercises were held at the Asipovichski training ground with personnel of the Missile and Artillery Troops and Missile and Artillery Weapons Faculty of the Military Academy on the use of the artillery reconnaissance control platoon for its intended purpose. As part of the training, individual firing tasks were carried out using the AGS-17 grenade launcher, and the principles of action and control from a quadrocopter-type UAV were mastered. 

As part of field drills at the Hozhski training ground, soldiers of the 7th Separate Tank Battalion of the 11th Mechanized Brigade are undergoing firearms training. During the training, the servicemen performed a test firing exercise using the armament of the T-72B tank with a standard artillery round.

Military commissariats and territorial defense

Military commissariats

On September 30, practical training on the topic “Organization of the work of the notification and collection center of the village executive committee” was held for chairmen and administrators of village executive committees of Zhabinka district. The participants of the training were demonstrated the work of the center for notification and collection of conscripts of the village executive committee. 

Military training sessions

On October 1, the military commissariat of Luninets and Hantsavichy districts sent 2 conscripts to a military training session at the 72nd joint training center.

On October 1, military commissariats of Stolin, Pruzhany and Malaryta districts sent 20 conscripts to a military training session.

On October 1, the military commissariat of Tsentralny district of Minsk sent 13 conscripts to a military training session.

On October 2, it was reported that a training session with conscripts was held in the 110th Separate Material Support Regiment.  16 reservists were drafted.

On October 3, it was reported that a training session with conscripts was held at the 815th Technical Support Center.  10 reservists were drafted.

Conscription for compulsory military service.

During the fall 2024 conscription, the military commissariat of Shchuchyn district plans to draft about 70 people for compulsory service. In total, more than 200 conscripts were summoned for medical examination and participation in the meetings of draft commissions.

During the fall 2024 conscription, the military commissariat of Miadziel district plans to draft 37 people for compulsory service.

During the fall 2024 conscription, the military commissariat of Pastavy district plans to draft 33 people for compulsory service. One of them – for service in the reserve.

During the week, servicemen of the 6th Mechanized Brigade held meetings in the military commissariats of Pruzhany district (Brest region), Maladzechna and Vileika districts (Minsk region). At the meetings, representatives of the brigade spoke about the possibility of military service under contract.

Territorial defense

The final stage of command-staff drills with the territorial defense authorities of Vitsiebsk region took place. The drills were observed by military attaches from neighboring countries. During the exercises, the personnel of a separate rifle battalion of territorial troops and the Regional Department of Internal Affairs practiced repelling an attack on a territorial defense facility, searching for, blocking and destroying a sabotage and reconnaissance group of a conditional enemy.

The head of the territorial defense department of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces said, “The task we set for ourselves not only in Vitsiebsk region, but also in other regions during the year was to test the process of forming national home guard detachments. […] Testing of both the issues of countering UAVs and the use of our own UAVs, which we also have in certain units, took place at all sites.”

Review of military events in Belarus on September 30-October 6 Ministry of Defense of Belarus

On October 2, a training session was held in Orsha with the leadership of territorial defense management bodies of Vitsiebsk region. The goal of the training session was to develop unified approaches to territorial defense issues and to test its effectiveness. During the day, the officials of executive committees, military commissariats and internal affairs bodies consolidated the previously acquired knowledge on the use of territorial defense forces in accordance with the intended purpose. A scenario of an attempted breakthrough of illegal armed groups into the town was staged at one of the demonstrated facilities. During the training session, the formation of national home guard detachments was also considered. 

On October 3, a training session with conscripts of the territorial troops was completed in Vitsiebsk and Orsha districts.

Internal Troops

On October 1, another training session began with the fighters of the Smerch special forces detachment. More than two hundred internal affairs officers and servicemen who had previously served in special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were drafted. The reservists will be trained in operating UAVs, studying modern weaponry, practicing the search and elimination of illegal armed formations and enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups, interaction with fire support groups, etc. The conscription was carried out by the military commissariats of Brest and Minsk regions.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 30-October 6 Internal Troops of Belarus

Exercises with reservists were conducted by officers of the 3rd Special Forces Brigade (military unit 3214), as well as instructors with combat experience (former PMC Wagner mercenaries). During the training, the reservists practiced storming trenches and clearing a building.

Servicemen of the Internal Troops are at the final stage of a training course for artillery fire adjusters. The course is held on the basis and under the guidance of teachers of the Military Academy. It was noted that with the emergence of mortars of various calibers in the Internal Troops, additional training sessions and courses are held on a permanent basis to help servicemen gain knowledge in the new area of military affairs.

On October 6, a meeting with the personnel of the “volunteers” was held in the 2nd Militia Brigade (military unit 3310). The soldiers were given a tour of the brigade.

Flights of Russian UAVs into Belarus

On October 3, 4 flights of 4 Russian UAVs of the Shahed-136/131 type into the airspace of Belarus were recorded. It is known that at least one of them crashed and exploded in Kalinkavichy (Homiel region). At the moment of UAV flights in the airspace of Belarus, a helicopter with Aliaksandr Lukashenka on board was flying to Mikashevichy (Brest region). No forces of the Belarusian Air Force were used to intercept the UAV. Nothing is known about the fate of the three drones.

Review of military events in Belarus on September 30-October 6 Belarusian Hajun

 On October 4, during his visit to Pinsk district, Lukashenka said that his flight was delayed for an hour due to the flights of drones in the southern regions of Belarus and unfavorable weather. During the flight, the politician personally saw how the drones were flying: “I look and see that they are flying very low, unusually low. Probably, so that they couldn’t be seen from Ukraine by electronic means.” Lukashenka also admitted that drones (both Russian and Ukrainian) fly into Belarus, and the Belarusian Armed Forces shoot them down: “There have been several such cases both from Russia and Ukraine. We shoot down a lot of them. We don’t care whether they are Russian or Ukrainian.”

Activity of the military-industrial complex

On October 4, it was reported that at the end of September, OJSC “Agat – Electromechanical Plant” made another delivery of “Control Kit” products in the interests of a foreign customer. It was not specified which customer. “Control Kit” is designed to solve problems associated with determining the setting for firing of artillery battery and divizion. Work on the device can be performed outdoors in the temperature range from -50 to +50 °C. The product has passed qualification tests and has been put into serial production.


According to the Community of Railway Workers of Belarus, in 9 months of 2024, Russia supplied Belarus with more than 2500 tons of ammunition, as well as dozens of pieces of military equipment. The most ammunition was delivered to the 2631st air base of missile armament and ammunition (military unit 94017) – 43 cars with a total weight of ≈ 1100 tons. Trains with ammunition totaling 1430 tons arrived at the 391st artillery ammunition base, the 25th missile and artillery weapons arsenal, and the 1393rd artillery ammunition base. There were also at least four shipments with military equipment during the year. For example, 6 cars with artillery equipment arrived at Navabelitskaya station (Homiel), 6 cars with automotive and 7 cars with tracked equipment arrived at Aziaryshcha station (Minsk), and 10 cars with radar equipment arrived at Lida station.