Military activity

Military activity on the territory of Belarus on September 30-October 6

Aviation activity, movements of the troops by rail and roads in Belarus.

Last week, the rotation of units of the Belarusian Armed Forces, which were redeployed to Homiel region in August, began. Instead of a tank battalion, new units of the Belarusian Armed Forces arrived in Yelsk.

A passenger aircraft of the FSB of Russia arrived at Minsk National Airport. Also, during the week, movements of equipment of the Russian Armed Forces were recorded in Mahiliou, Homiel and Brest regions.

Active movements of the Belarusian Armed Forces by rail were recorded. For example, military cargo trains were spotted in Homiel, Baranavichy and Yelsk.

Aviation activity

Aviation activity was recorded at Machulishchy, Lida, Baranavichy, Babruisk, Luninets, Ziabrauka airfields, at Minsk National Airport, etc. Flights of aircraft and helicopters of the Belarusian Air Force and Russian Aerospace Forces were recorded.

Belarusian Air Force

Russian Aerospace Forces

Railroad activity

Movements by road

Separately, we can mention a large convoy of equipment of the Belarusian Armed Forces (10+ pieces), which on October 6 was moving along the route: M10, Kalinkavichy–Tserabau (Petrykau district). It was reported that the convoy included SAM systems and other vehicles.

General conclusion on current situation

In the report on military activity for September 9-15 we wrote that in early October, we can expect the first rotation of units of the Belarusian Armed Forces, redeployed to Homiel region in August.

According to available information, the 355th Separate Tank Battalion of the 120th Mechanized Brigade (military unit 25853) was reportedly withdrawn to its permanent deployment point in early October. The unit was one of the first to be redeployed to Homiel region on August 11. At the same time, on October 3-4, a military cargo train with military equipment was unloaded in Yelsk (it’s unknown which unit it was).

Withdrawal of one unit and redeployment of another to Homiel region means rotation of part of the group established in August in the area bordering Ukraine. It is possible that the military cargo trains with equipment of the Belarusian Armed Forces recorded on October 2 and 4 in Homiel and Baranavichy could also be connected with the rotation.

Also, in the report on military activity for September 9-15 we wrote that the most likely scenario for the development of the situation in the near future would be: 1) rotation of the units that arrived in Homiel region in August will take place in early October; 2) the “new shift” will stay in the border area with Ukraine until early December. Note that the first condition is being fulfilled/has been partially fulfilled.

Currently, it is hard to assess changes in the number of the group in Homiel region, as information about new units redeployed to the border with Ukraine needs to be clarified.