Military activity

Military activity on the territory of Belarus on November 27-December 3

Aviation activity, movements of the troops by rail and roads in Belarus

Remarkable activity of the past week includes the arrival of an aircraft linked to PMC Wagner in Belarus and an intensive combat training of the mercenaries with servicemen of the Internal Troops. Flights of the Russian Aerospace Forces were also recorded. No significant activity of the Belarusian Armed Forces was observed.

Aviation activity

Rail activity

Movements by road

Changes in the size of the Russian Armed Forces group and PMC Wagner in Belarus: no data.

General conclusion

On December 1, a new academic year began in the troops. Traditionally, combat readiness trainings are conducted at the beginning of the academic year. Such trainings are held after another conscription for active military service and after new recruits have mastered the initial military training program. These trainings are usually held for a week.