Military activity

Military activity on the territory of Belarus on March 11-17

Aviation activity, movements of the troops by rail and roads in Belarus.

During the week, an increase in the intensity of movements of equipment of the Belarusian Armed Forces was recorded. This was connected with the conduct of the combat readiness inspection and other combat training activities.

Transport aircraft and a calibration equipment aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces arrived in Belarus. On March 15-16, inspection of the operation of radio-technical systems of Homiel airport was conducted.

Aviation activity

Rail activity

Movements by road

Combat training

Combat training activities with units of the Belarusian Armed Forces were conducted at the Hozhski, Lepelski, Barysauski, Losvida, Asipovichski, Damanava, and other training grounds, as well as at the Valoushchyna training center of the Internal Troops.

Changes in the size of the Russian Armed Forces group and PMC Wagner in Belarus: no data.

General conclusion on current situation

1) There has been an increase in the intensity of movements of Belarusian Armed Forces. This is due to two reasons: 1) the beginning of the combat readiness inspection; 2) active combat training activities conducted at training grounds (primarily field drills).

2) Flights of the An-26KPA equipment calibration aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces took place at Homiel airport. This is a special laboratory aircraft that checks the operation of ground-based radio-technical flight support equipment, aviation telecommunications and light-signaling equipment systems.

Such inspections are held regularly to ensure flight safety. Previously, such an aircraft had been in Belarus from November 28 to December 29, 2023. At that time, the radio technical systems of Machulishchy, Lida and Baranavichy airfields were inspected.

It is notable that this time the aircraft is inspecting the radio-technical systems of Homiel civil airport. It is possible that similar inspections will be conducted at other Belarusian airports.