Military activity

Military activity on the territory of Belarus on June 1-4

The main military events on June 1-4.

Aviation activity

Rail activity

Movements by road

General conclusion

The conclusions on the situation made in the reports for May 15 and May 19 remain valid.

Military cargo trains with equipment and personnel of the Russian Armed Forces continue to arrive in Belarus. It’s important to note that if in February-April 2023 we observed a decrease in the size of the contingent stationed in Belarus, then since mid-May the trend has reversed. The estimated number of the contingent of the Russian Armed Forces, which is now stationed in Belarus, is twice lower than in January 2023.

Currently, the Russian Armed Forces are increasing the number of military personnel who are trained at the training grounds in Belarus. There are still no signs of preparations for a military operation against Ukraine from the territory of Belarus.

Changes in the size of the group of the Russian Armed Forces in Belarus:

Arrived in Belarus:

Online map of military activity in Belarus