Military activity

Military activity on the territory of Belarus on July 8-14

Aviation activity, movements of the troops by rail and roads in Belarus.

During the week, a passenger aircraft of the Rosgvardiya and a military transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces arrived in Belarus. Also, aircraft and helicopters of the Belarusian Air Force took off to intercept Russian drones that flew into the airspace of Belarus.

The statements made on July 13 by Lukashenka and his officials confirm that the escalation of the situation on the Belarus-Ukraine border was part of the PSYOP conducted on the eve of the Independence Day celebrations in Belarus.

Aviation activity

Aviation activity was recorded at Machulishchy, Lida, Baranavichy, Luninets, Barautsy, Vosautsy airfields, and at Hrodna and Brest airport. Flights of aircraft and helicopters of the Belarusian Air Force and Russian Aerospace Forces were recorded.

Belarusian Air Force

Russian Aerospace Forces

Rail activity

Movements by road

General conclusion on current situation

1) We can state that on July 13, after the meeting “on the issues of ensuring the military security of the country in the southern operational direction” was held in Luninets, the “sudden readiness inspection of the Belarusian Armed Forces” and the escalation of the situation on the Belarus-Ukraine border, which started on June 21, were completed. As a result of the meeting, it was decided to return the units of the Belarusian Armed Forces to the permanent deployment points, as Ukraine withdrew its units from the border area with Belarus. However, the units of the Special Operations Forces will stay in the border area with Ukraine. According to Lukashenka, “We are not going to fight and are not going to concentrate our Armed Forces here, except for the Special Operations Forces.”

We recall that units of the Special Operations Forces have been stationed on a rotational basis in the regions of Belarus bordering Ukraine since March 2022. We recorded the last rotation during the week of July 1-7, 2024. In addition to border protection, the units also perform tasks to protect Russian military facilities in Homiel region.

Thus, the situation with the group of the Belarusian Armed Forces in the border area with Ukraine is returning to its status quo.

The completion of the “sudden readiness inspection of the Belarusian Armed Forces” was preceded by a complete lack of information about its progress. For example, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus didn’t cover the inspection and the situation on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border at all since July 5.

We should pay attention to the inconsistencies in the statements of Belarusian officials. For example, on July 13, Chairman of the State Security Committee Ivan Tsertsel said that Ukraine started to withdraw its units from the border on July 3-4. At the same time, on July 5, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces Uladzimir Kuprianyuk said that the situation on the border remained tense. And at the time of Kuprianyuk’s statement there was no talk about any de-escalation. There is a contradiction of information given by representatives of different agencies (Ministry of Defense of Belarus and KGB).

The statements made on July 13 by Lukashenka and his officials during the meeting confirm the version that the “sudden readiness inspection of the Belarusian Armed Forces” and the escalation of the situation on the Belarus-Ukraine border were part of PSYOP, conducted (among other things) ahead of the celebration of Independence Day in Belarus on July 3.

For example, during the meeting on July 13, Lukashenka said that speaking at the solemn meeting in honor of Independence Day on July 2, he had to mention the situation on the Belarus-Ukraine border: “I had to reassure the people, as far as possible, that there would be no war, we wouldn’t allow escalation on our border. […] That is, there was serious anxiety of our people. In this regard, a decision was made to deploy some of our units to the border.” And as a result, “As I said, I promised people that we will deal with the situation.” Moreover, as noted above, coincidentally, it was “July 3-4” that the withdrawal of Ukrainian units from the border area with Belarus began.

In other words, the escalation on the Belarus-Ukraine border was artificially created by the Lukashenka regime to pursue its own goals. And then it was quickly and effectively “resolved”. It turns out that Lukashenka kept his promise “not to allow war” and “handled the situation.”

It should be noted that “July 3″ could have been one of the goals of PSYOP. Therefore, it should be considered in a broader context of the current events.

2) Military intensification on the western border of Belarus can be expected in the near future. For example, during the meeting on July 13, Lukashenka spoke about the military threat from the northwestern direction: “There is intensification there. Therefore, the northwestern direction – the guys should be ready for anything there.”

The northwestern direction is the sections of the Belarus-Lithuania and Belarus-Latvia borders. The task of covering these directions is performed by the Northwestern Operational Command of the Ground Forces.

We recall that in April-May, units of the 19th Mechanized Brigade were redeployed to the area bordering Lithuania. Later, they were replaced by a battalion tactical group of the 120th Mechanized Brigade. According to available information, units of the 120th Mechanized Brigade will again be redeployed to the area bordering Lithuania in the near future (approximately early August).