Military activity

Military activity on the territory of Belarus on July 3

The main military events on July 3.

Aviation activity

Rail activity

Movements by road

General conclusion

The conclusion on the situation made in the report for June 12 remains valid.

Rail activity of the Russian Armed Forces continues to be recorded. According to preliminary information, on July 3, two military cargo trains of the Russian Armed Forces departed from the Baranavichy district. Another train was being formed in Asipovichy.

As noted in the report on military activity for July 1-2, the intensification of movements of the Russian Armed Forces by rail may indicate the beginning of a new wave of rotation. So far, we observe only the transfer of military cargo trains with personnel and equipment of the Russian Armed Forces from Belarus to Russia.

Changes in the size of the group of the Russian Armed Forces in Belarus: 

Left Belarus:

Online map of military activity in Belarus