PMC Wagner

Wagner stays in Belarus? There are more than 1000 pieces of equipment in the PMC camp

Looks like the mercenaries are moving into barracks.

According to the Belarusian Hajun monitoring group, in September, the dismantling of the field camp of PMC Wagner in Tsel village continued. As of September 30, 99 tents remained there – 35% of the original number. In total, about 30 tents were dismantled in September.

According to our data, as of the end of September, there were about 1040 pieces of equipment in the camp:

In addition, some equipment is in storage facilities (garages) of the former park of combat vehicles of the military town in Tsel village. And there are about 37 metal cargo containers in the camp.

Earlier, we assumed that due to the dismantling of tents and the coming autumn some of the mercenaries may be redeployed to former barracks on the territory of the camp, and it seems to have happened. At least we know about minor repair works in the barracks. And the main thing is that there are no chimneys above the remaining tents from the stoves, which are used for their heating.

At the moment, we can state that the mercenaries of PMC Wagner still stay in the camp in Tsel village.