fake news

Ukrainian media outlets claim that a military cargo train with Russian equipment has arrived in Belarus. It’s not true.

A military cargo train with equipment of the Belarusian Armed Forces was passed off as the Russian one.

Ukrainian media outlets spread information that a military cargo train with Russian equipment (60+ vehicles, mostly BMP-2) has arrived in Minsk.

The train was allegedly spotted at Aziaryshcha station. This is a loading station for the transportation of units of the 120th Mechanized Brigade of the Belarusian Armed Forces, which is located in close proximity to the brigade’s military town.

There’s snow in the photos spread, but as of February 27, there’s no snow in the area of Aziaryshcha station. Moreover, the satellite images dated February 27 didn’t show a train with military equipment at the station.

We note that on February 22, we recorded the formation of two military cargo trains with equipment of the Belarusian Armed Forces at Aziaryshcha station. One of the trains contained BMP-2 vehicles. Most likely, this train was passed off as the Russian one.

Current locations and the number of Russian troops in Belarus can be found here.