Military activity

The first criminal case for evasion from military training in 2023 was reviewed in Ivanava

The punishment under this article is community service, a fine, correctional labor or imprisonment.

On October 6, a trial was held in the military commissariat of Ivanava district, where “a criminal case was reviewed on charges against a person liable for military service for evasion from attending military training.” This was reported by the Telegram channel of the military commissariat of Brest region.

Most likely, the defendant was tried under Article 436 of the Criminal Code of Belarus “Evasion of a reservist or a person liable for military service from attending training.” The results of the case haven’t been reported.

The punishment under this article is community service, a fine, correctional labor for up to one year or arrest. In case of evasion from military training by deliberately causing bodily harm, simulation of illness or forgery of documents – up to two years of imprisonment.

Most likely, this was the first criminal case under Article 436, which the “court” reviewed in 2023. The Public Electronic Bank of Court Decisions doesn’t have any verdicts under Article 436 for the period from January 1 to October 11, 2023. 10 such verdicts were announced in 2022, and only 2 in 2021. Most often, the defendants were fined, less often – arrested and subject to community service.

From January 1 to September 30, 2023, at least 9820 people were drafted for various types of military training in the Belarusian Armed Forces, Internal Troops and territorial defense.