PMC Wagner

Prigozhin registered a company in the Asipovichy district

The main activity of the new company is declared as “real estate management”.

As found out, on July 19, 2023, the Mahiliou Regional Executive Committee registered Concord Management and Consulting LLC, and Prigozhin Yevgeny Viktorovich is listed as its head.

The authorized capital is 200 BYN (~$80), TIN 791314882. The main activity of the new company is declared as “real estate management.”

And the most interesting thing is the registration address: Belarus, 213727, Mahiliou region, Asipovichy district, Pratasevichy village council, Tsel village, Vostochnaya street, 2a. The field camp, where Wagner mercenaries are arriving, is located exactly in Tsel village.