
Ammunition is produced near Minsk by Precision Electromechanics Plant?

Lukashenko arrived there.

Today Lukashenko visited one of the enterprises of the military industrial complex in Minsk region, where he was shown the production of Belarusian ammunition. It’s notable that his press service didn’t say where exactly the production was located and didn’t even write the enterprise’s name.

However, we managed to determine that today Lukashenko visited one of the production facilities of the Precision Electromechanics Plant, which is located near Lenina village (Dziarzhynsk district, Minsk region).

His helicopter landed at around 10:05 at the parking lot near the Stankava ecological tourism center, which is located 2 km from the assembly site of the Precision Electromechanics Plant.

Apparently, he got to the territory of the enterprise by car. There he visited the hangars, where he was shown some samples of ammunition, and gave interviews next to military equipment.