Military activity

About 2100 servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces remain in Belarus

Almost the entire contingent of the regional group of troops was withdrawn.

We can state that in July-August, there was a significant reduction in the number of Russian military stationed in Belarus. Field camps of the Russian Armed Forces at the Obuz-Liasnouski, Lepelski, and Asipovichski training grounds were liquidated, the military who were stationed there and were included in the regional group of troops left for Russia, and it was not a rotation.

However, according to our data, there are still military of the Russian Armed Forces in Belarus in the following locations:

In total, as of September 1, Belarusian Hajun estimates the number of Russian military stationed in Belarus at ~2100 people, and those included in the regional group of troops — 0.

The full review of military activity in Belarus in August is available here.