Review of military events

Review of military events in Belarus on October 23-29

International cooperation, military commissariats, internal Troops and others.

A Belarusian military delegation started its visit to China to discuss the issues of bilateral military cooperation. During the visit, it is planned to hold bilateral negotiations and to visit facilities of the Chinese army.

An operational gathering of the command staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces was held to develop common approaches to combat training and summarize the results of the 2022/23 academic year. Other combat training events included anti-terrorist drills, joint drills of the Investigative Committee and the Belarusian Armed Forces, and tactical and special drills in the 30th Railway Brigade.

Conscripts began to be sent for active military service, where more than 10,000 people were planned to be drafted. The organization of conscription continues to use an extensive approach to ensure the number of conscripts.

International cooperation

On October 24, Minister of Defense Viktor Khrenin met with CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov. During the meeting, the parties summarized the interim results of the implementation of measures envisaged for the period of Belarus’ chairmanship in the CSTO. On October 25, the meeting with Tasmagambetov was also held by State Secretary of the Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich.

On October 26, the Belarusian delegation headed by Minister of Defense Viktor Khrenin went to China with an official visit. At the meeting of Khrenin with Zhang Youxia, the Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of China, they discussed the elaboration of a “road map” for the development of bilateral military and military-technical cooperation, joint training of servicemen of the Belarusian Armed Forces and the Chinese Army, cooperation in military personnel training, etc. The Belarusian delegation visited the National Defense University. Khrenin will also take part in the 10th Xiangshan Security Forum. It should be noted that Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu visited Belarus in August 2023.

Combat training

On October 24-25, an operational training session of the command staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces was held at the 8th NBC Protection Brigade in Stariya Darohi. Heads of military administration bodies, commanders and chiefs of staff of military units and other officials participated in the training session. The training session was held in two stages – practical and theoretical. During the practical stage of the training session, the participants studied the issues of training for their assigned tasks, the organization of logistics for units, the actions of special units and the functioning of the facility security system. The participants were shown variants of using various types of weapons, means of destruction, engineering ammunition during combat operations. As Deputy Commander of the Western Operational Command Dmitry Bitny noted, “We are introducing new techniques and methods of battle. These include assaulting strongholds, firing from closed firing positions, training each soldier individually to conduct independent combat operations. [The war in Ukraine] has affected the issues of combat training. We took into account the experience of the Russian Armed Forces. We have introduced relevant tactical techniques into our combat training system.”

During the theoretical stage, a common understanding of the organization of combat training and the tasks of comprehensive support in the new academic year was developed. At the end of the training session, a board of the Ministry of Defense held a meeting to summarize the results of the training of the Belarusian Armed Forces in the 2022/23 academic year and set tasks for the new academic year. The Western Operational Command, the 116th Assault Air Base, the 25th Missile and Artillery Arsenal, and the 65th Vehicle Brigade were awarded for their significant contribution to strengthening the defense capability and high results in combat training.

Firearms training was conducted with the 78th Mechanized Battalion of the 6th Mechanized Brigade at the Hozhski training ground. The crews of BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles conducted a firing test.

Tactical and special drills with the Railway Repair Battalion were held in the 30th Railway Brigade. During the drills, the battalion deployed a collection point for damaged vehicles, evacuated and repaired damaged equipment under attack by a sabotage and reconnaissance group. The drills were conducted using the experience of the war in Ukraine.

On October 25, joint drills of the Investigative Committee and the Belarusian Armed Forces were held at the Belaya Luzha training ground. According to the scenario of the drills, the cadets of the Military Academy liberated and cleared a settlement from an illegal armed group. After the military operation, investigators recorded the committed crimes to collect necessary evidence for the implementation of justice. Officers of the Investigative Committee of Russia provided theoretical and practical assistance in the drills. Such drills are conducted regularly.

On October 25-26, the State Security Committee held anti-terrorist drills in Mahiliou to “test the readiness of state bodies to respond to acts of terrorism.” The drills also involved units of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency, as well as the Investigative Committee and the Border Committee. This is the fourth time such drills have been held since the beginning of 2023.

On October 26, fire and tactical drills were held at the 46th Missile and Ammunition Arsenal. They practiced eliminating a fire in a wood processing area, providing assistance to the injured, and dealing with the consequences of an emergency situation.

Personnel policy

Another graduation of 72 officers took place at the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel of the Military Academy. For the first time, 7 female servicemen completed their studies.

A graduation of pilots took place at the Military Academy of Belarus. Twelve graduates received diplomas from the academy.

Another graduation of warrant officers took place at the 72nd Joint Training Center. 141 graduates, 13 of them women, completed their studies.


On October 27, the personnel of the 927th Center for Training and Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems received new vehicles. In total, the center received at least 15 UAZ vehicles.

Internal Troops

On October 24, a training and methodological gathering of psychologists of military units of the Internal Troops was held at the Valoushchyna training center. The specialists attended combat training and talked to instructors, including mercenaries of PMC Wagner. The psychologists were informed about the specifics of developing a training program for servicemen.

Amendments to legislation

An agreement between Belarus and Russia on the establishment and operation of combat training centers for joint training of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Belarus and Russia was introduced to the Russian State Duma for ratification. Belarus ratified the agreement in July 2023. The agreement regulates the establishment and operation of combat training centers at military units in Belarus and Russia, defines their main tasks and the order of interaction between the Defense Ministries. The decision to establish training centers was made in March 2021.

Military commissariats

On October 24, conscripts began to be sent for active military service. According to the Ministry of Defense, a total of 10,200 people are planned to be drafted for service (200 of them – for service in the reserve). In total, about 60 thousand conscripts were summoned to the draft commissions. The reported data confirm the conclusion made earlier. In order to maintain the current level of conscription, the Ministry of Defense applies an extensive approach, where the number of conscripts is achieved by reducing health requirements.

​​The Military Commissariat of Hrodna city and Hrodna district inspected the procedure of military-mobilization and registration and conscription work in Skidziel Town Executive Committee.

An open mobile “trial” was held at the military commissariat of Biaroza district. A criminal case against a conscript who evaded conscription (part 1 of Article 435 of the Criminal Code) was reviewed. The “court” of Biaroza district sentenced the defendant to 2 months of arrest.


Two Su-24 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces can be seen in the video made by the VoyenTV TV company at Baranavichy airfield, one of which is a Su-24MR reconnaissance aircraft. Thus, there is confirmation of the presence of Russian reconnaissance aircraft in Belarus. We should note that the Su-24 aircraft were taken out of service with the Belarusian Armed Forces back in 2012.