Review of military events

Review of military events in Belarus on November 13-19

Last week, a series of diplomatic meetings were reported, which resulted in the signing of an agreement on military cooperation between Belarus and the United Arab Emirates. The main events of the past week in the military-industrial complex were the transfer of a divizion set of the Polonez-M missile system to the troops and the completion of tests of the Sapfir grenade launcher system. The proposal to involve Belarusian hunters in territorial defense tasks was among the most controversial statements of the week.

International cooperation

On November 13, Belarusian Minister of Defense Viktor Khrenin and Minister of Defense Affairs of the United Arab Emirates held negotiations. During the meeting, the parties signed an agreement on military cooperation.

On November 13, a Belarusian military delegation visited the international aerospace show Dubai Airshow 2023. This is the largest such thematic exhibition in the Persian Gulf and Middle East region.

On November 17, Major General Saad Mohammed Hossein Alkatiri, the Military Attaché at the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Russia and Belarus, paid an official visit to Belarus to complete the accreditation procedure at the Ministry of Defense of Belarus. The accreditation was held for the first time since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries.

Combat training

Activities to summarize the results of the 2022/2023 academic year in the troops were held during the week. It was reported that the results were summarized with officers of the ideological work bodies of the Western Operational Command, Special Operations Forces, NBC Troops, etc.

On November 16, a training on the organization of troop service was held at the 65th Automobile Brigade with representatives of the Transport Support Department of the Ministry of Defense. During the event, the procedure for conducting a training with the personnel of the on-duty unit was practiced, as well as the procedure for the actions of the daily duty unit in emergency situations.

During the week, it was reported that basic military training was conducted for soldiers of active service. And the 2023/2024 academic year was declared the year of field training in the troops.

Rearmament. Activity of the military-industrial complex

On November 15, the 336th Rocket Artillery Brigade of the Belarusian Armed Forces received a divizion set of the V-300 Polonez-M missile system. The system is capable of using different types of missiles and ensuring the destruction of targets at a range of up to 300 kilometers.

On November 17, the State Authority for Military Industry announced the completion of tests of the Sapfir grenade launcher system. The system is designed to counter lightly armored and unarmored targets, to defeat enemy personnel located in bunkers, light field type shelters, urban and rural areas. It was also reported about the plans to establish serial production of the grenade launcher after completion of research tests. Production is scheduled to begin in May 2024.

Internal Troops

On November 14, the commander of the Internal Troops conducted a sudden combat readiness inspection of the military administration body of the Internal Troops.

Territorial defense

On November 13, at a meeting with Lukashenko, Igor Shunevich, the head of the Belarusian society of hunters and anglers, said that members of his organization would join the national home guard if necessary. Later, Shunevich specified that “the possibility of using [hunters] in the interests of territorial defense is being considered. Hunters can be used as sniper and anti-sniper cover if necessary.”

Amendments to legislation

On November 17, it became known about the introduction of a new position – instructor (for work with religious personnel) in the Belarusian Armed Forces. Clergymen who have spiritual education, have been ordained, and are fit for military service according to health requirements are appointed to the post. The purpose of the post is to use the potential of clergymen to educate the military. Currently, the Orthodox Church actively interacts with military units of the Belarusian Armed Forces.

On November 16, the results of the level of mobilization readiness, mobilization training, registration and conscription work, and service activities of military commissariats of Hrodna region in the 2022/2023 academic year were summarized in Hrodna. The military commissariat of Hrodna region won the first place among the military commissariats of Belarus’ regions.