Review of military events

Review of military events in Belarus on May 6-12

Combat training, activities of the Internal Troops and territorial defense.

On May 7, an inspection of readiness of carriers of non-strategic nuclear weapons began in Belarus. As part of the inspection, short-term relocation of Su-25 attack aircraft to a reserve airfield was carried out. 

Combat training activities included company tactical drills with the 188th Engineering Brigade, as well as drills with the territorial defense in Mahiliou region.

Units of the 19th Mechanized Brigade were withdrawn from the area bordering Lithuania. Viktar Hulevich was dismissed from the post of the Chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces.

Combat training

On May 6, a comprehensive training was held in the military town Chyrvony Dvor (Brest) on repelling an attack on the town’s facilities, as well as on countering unauthorized flights of UAVs .

Company tactical and specialty drills were held in the pontoon bridge battalion of the 188th Engineering Brigade. During the drills, such exercises as reconnaissance of the troops’ route and the crossing area, making a passage in a minefield, repelling an attack by an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group, etc. were performed. The equipment of the ferry was also practiced.

On May 6, a review of one of the units’ readiness was held at the 6th Mechanized Brigade as part of preparations for upcoming scheduled drills. 

On May 7, the inspection of carriers of non-strategic nuclear weapons began in Belarus. A squadron of Su-25 attack aircraft of the 116th Assault Air Base and a divizion of the 465th Missile Brigade armed with the Iskander-M missile system are involved in the inspection. A unit of the 336th Rocket Artillery Brigade armed with the Polonez-M missile system is also taking part in the inspection. It was noted that “the entire range of activities from planning, preparation and use of strikes with tactical nuclear warheads” will be inspected. In particular, the issues of supplying special munitions to military units and loading them onto launchers and aircraft will be worked out. As part of the inspection, on May 7, two Su-25 attack aircraft relocated from the base airfield (Lida) to Machulishchy airfield. On May 8, the aircraft returned to Lida airfield. No other activities within the inspection have been reported so far.

On May 7, a training on repelling an attack on military town’s facilities took place in the 11th Mechanized Brigade. During the training, a UAV crew was used to control the group during the search and detention of a sabotage group.

On May 8, a training with the administration of the reception point for personnel and equipment was held in the 74th Signal Regiment as part of scheduled exercises. During the training, the personnel reception was carried out and the issues of equipment reception were practiced.

International cooperation

The accreditation procedure of Mohammad Hasanuzzaman, Military Attache at the Embassy of the Republic of Bangladesh in Russia and Belarus (part-time), was completed. Significant potential for the development of bilateral relations was noted.

Valery Revenko, the Head of the Department of International Military Cooperation, held a meeting with Navin Nijhawan, Military Attache at the Embassy of India in Russia and Belarus (part-time). During the meeting, issues of mutual interest were discussed, positive dynamics of development of bilateral military cooperation was emphasized.

Military commissariats and territorial defense

On May 7-31, a scheduled training session will be conducted with conscripts of the territorial troops of Mahiliou and Bykhau districts of Mahiliou region. The purpose of the training session is to improve the skills of officials of executive committees in the formation of the territorial troops and their preparation for the fulfillment of the assigned tasks. About 320 reservists were drafted to the training session.

Internal Troops

Combat coordination of the Grom special forces detachment under the leadership of PMC Wagner mercenaries continued. At another training, the servicemen practiced movements in small tactical groups and firing exercises.

On May 11, more than 1000 recruits drafted into the Internal Troops during the 2024 spring conscription took the military oath.

Movements of troops

On May 6-7, units of the 19th Mechanized Brigade were withdrawn to the permanent deployment point from Ashmiany and Pastavy districts. We recall that in mid-March, the brigade’s units were redeployed to the area bordering Lithuania as part of the combat readiness inspection. In total, the Belarusian military stayed there for almost two months (from March 14 to May 6). According to preliminary information, units of the 120th Mechanized Brigade were redeployed to Ashmiany district.


On May 10, Viktar Hulevich was dismissed from the post of the Chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces. Officially, he was dismissed from the military service to the reserve due to age with the right to wear military uniform and insignia. Hulevich had been holding the post of the Chief of the General Staff since March 2021. His successor has not been announced yet.

A methodological training session was held with sergeants of the 120th Mechanized Brigade. As part of the event, the sergeants learned how to conduct combat training exercises. The event also focused on the role of junior commanders in the education of subordinate personnel in daily operations.