Review of military events

Review of military events in Belarus on July 8-14

Combat training, activities of the Internal Troops and territorial defense.

On July 8, the fifth Belarus-China anti-terrorist training “Attacking Falcon-2024” started at the Brestski training ground. And servicemen of the Special Operations Forces went to Kazakhstan to participate in the “Pinnacle of Brotherhood-2024” drills.

On July 13, a meeting was held on the issues of ensuring the security of Belarus in the “southern operational direction”. As a result of the meeting, it was ordered to withdraw some units of the Belarusian Armed Forces from the border with Ukraine to the permanent deployment points. 

The repair and modernization of the infrastructure of the 2766th fuel base of the Belarusian Armed Forces should be completed by 2026. The project is financed from the budget of the “Union State”. The State Border Committee of Belarus will build two new border outposts on the Belarus-Ukraine border.

Combat readiness inspection

On July 13, Aliaksandr Lukashenka visited the 56th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment stationed in Luninets. After visiting the command post of the regiment, a meeting was held “on the issues of ensuring the country’s military security in the southern operational direction.” It was attended by the heads of the power bloc of Belarus. During the meeting, Lukashenka said that the tension on the border with Ukraine had been eliminated: “The Ukrainians withdrew their armed forces and additional troops from the border, which they had redeployed to our border, and in general withdrew [them] from the Belarus-Ukraine border zone.”

As a result of the meeting, it was ordered to withdraw the units of the Belarusian Armed Forces from the border with Ukraine to the permanent deployment points. At the same time, the units of the Special Operations Forces of the Belarusian Armed Forces will stay in the border area (they have been stationed on a rotational basis in the regions of Belarus bordering Ukraine since March 2022) and “insignificant” duty forces to monitor the situation on the border. And border guards will continue to serve at the southern borders in a reinforced mode. Lukashenka also mentioned a military threat from the northwestern direction: “That’s where the activation is going on. Therefore, the northwestern direction – the guys should be ready for anything there.”

The statement by Ivan Tsertel, the Chairman of the State Security Committee of Belarus, made after the meeting was remarkable. According to the official, “Sometime on July 3-4, our foreign intelligence recorded the withdrawal of these units from the areas bordering the Republic of Belarus.” Although Uladzimir Kuprianyuk, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces, said back on July 5 that the situation on the border remained tense. 

The statements mentioned above actually mean the completion of the so-called sudden readiness inspection of the Belarusian Armed Forces, which began on June 21.

Combat training

On July 8, the opening of the joint Belarusian-Chinese anti-terrorist training “Attacking Falcon-2024” took place at the Brestski training ground. During the week, the servicemen practiced storming trenches and communication routes, no-parachute landing from a helicopter, clearing the internal premises of the building, etc. The training will last for 2 weeks. It should be noted that the first joint anti-terrorist training “Rapid Eagle” was held back in July 2011. Trainings under the names “Rapid Eagle” and “Attacking Falcon” were held in 2012, 2015 and 2018 both in Belarus and China.

As part of the operational-tactical drills of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Belarus, on August 11-25, units of the 15th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade and the 56th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment will perform combat launches from S-300, S-400, and Tor-M2K SAM systems at the Ashuluk training ground (Astrakhan oblast, Russia). As in previous years, the drills will be conducted in two stages: the first one on the territory of Belarus and the second one at the Ashuluk training ground.

On July 9, a review of the readiness of the units for the field drills was held in the 111th Artillery Brigade under the leadership of the commander. On July 12, the brigade’s howitzer, cannon and rocket units began marching to the field drills area at the Obuz-Liasnouski training ground. Specialty tactical exercises with live firing and live launches are scheduled as part of the field drills.

On July 9-19, a training session for diving units of the Engineering Troops will be held at the 188th Engineering Brigade. Four diving stations were deployed on the Dnieper river, where military divers train in sawing metal and wooden structures underwater, searching for and lifting various objects to the surface, including those simulating explosive hazards (mines, projectiles, aerial bombs).

On July 10, a comprehensive combat readiness inspection of the Belarusian Air Force was held. The 50th Combined Air Base, the 61st Fighter Air Base and the 116th Assault Air Base took part in it. During the inspection, they practiced the conditional defeat of air targets and forcing aircraft to land. The Ministry of Defense of Belarus didn’t report on the event.

On July 10, exercises on artillery fire control were held in the 111th Artillery Brigade. During the exercises, tasks with training means were accomplished. UAVs and special software were used during the exercises.

On July 11, a training on the search and detention of servicemen who left the military unit with weapons took place in the 147th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment. During the training, the following were practiced: deployment of the information collection and processing group, interaction with the military commandant’s office and internal affairs bodies, assembly and briefing of personnel assigned to the search and detention group, deployment of mobile and walking patrols.

On July 13, more than 50 servicemen of the Special Operations Forces went to Kazakhstan to participate in the joint drills “Pinnacle of Brotherhood-2024”. During the drills, which will take place at the Taktal training ground, the servicemen will undergo a full course of combat training in mountainous and desert terrain. 

Firearms training exercises were conducted with the 355th Separate Tank Battalion of the 120th Mechanized Brigade at the 227th Barysauski combined arms training ground. The soldiers hit targets from the barrels of tank guns, as well as from PKT and NSVT machine guns.

The 6th Mechanized Brigade is conducting theoretical and simulator training for FPV drone operators. After completing the training course, servicemen will be allowed to operate UAVs and will proceed to practical flights during combat training events.

A competition for the title of the best commander of an electronic warfare platoon, company and battalion was held in the 228th Separate Electronic Warfare Regiment under the supervision of the head of the EW Directorate of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces. The servicemen demonstrated their skills and mastery in various disciplines: firearms, tactical specialty and technical training, as well as military topography.

International cooperation

On July 3-5, a working meeting was held in Mahiliou region between representatives of the main organizational and mobilization directorates of the General Staffs of the Russian Armed Forces and Belarusian Armed Forces. Within the framework of the meeting, the parties discussed a number of issues of joint work of defense agencies. The parties noted the importance of continuing the practical vector of interaction aimed at strengthening cooperation in the military sphere.

On July 6-8, a delegation of the General Department of Training and Administration of the Central Military Council of the People’s Republic of China visited Minsk. On July 8, negotiations were held on the organization of the training process, as well as on the improvement of the training system in military educational institutions of Belarus and China. The prospects of Belarus-China interaction on the issues of joint training of military personnel were also discussed. As a result of the negotiations, new areas for cooperation were outlined.

On July 11-13, a delegation of the United Logistics Forces of the People’s Liberation Army of China visited Minsk. On July 12, negotiations were held on bilateral cooperation in the field of logistics support for the armed forces of Belarus and China. They discussed new areas of cooperation. They also visited the 2780th fuel base and the 202nd fuel chemistry center of the Belarusian Armed Forces.

Military commissariats and territorial defense

On July 4, the military commissariat of Horki and Dribin districts sent conscripts from among first-year students of agricultural educational institutions  to serve in the reserve.

On July 5, a military training session with conscripts was completed in the 48th Separate Electronic Warfare Battalion. 19 reservists were drafted to the training session.

On July 9, the draft for a military training session began at the 815th Technical Support Center. At least 18 people were drafted to the training session.

On July 10, a military training session began in the 120th Mechanized Brigade. At least 50 reservists were drafted. The training session will last 25 days. Those drafted from the reserve will undergo training in military occupational specialties for motorized rifle and reconnaissance units, as well as communication units.

On July 10, a training session on military occupational specialties began in the 108th Separate Material Support Regiment. At least 10 people were drafted.

A training session is underway in the 127th Signal Brigade (territorial) with conscripts from the reserve. At least 19 people were drafted.

A training session is being held in the 120th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade with conscripts on maintenance of military equipment of the untouchable reserve. At least 10 people were drafted.

A training session with conscripts drafted from the reserve began in the 7th Engineering Regiment. At least 10 people were drafted.

In July-August, a training session with conscripts of the territorial troops will be held in Orsha district (Vitsiebsk region). It is planned to draft 110 reservists.

Internal Troops

On July 13, another training session was held with volunteers of the Chest’ special forces detachment under the guidance of PMC Wagner mercenaries. The volunteers were trained in military topography and engineering training. During the training, the work with a compass and the use of navigation applications was studied. Special attention was paid to actions in small groups, the peculiarities of communication, adherence to the combat order and ways of passing anti-personnel mine and explosive barriers in the conditions of modern combat operations.

The combat coordination of the Vitsiaz special forces detachment continues. During the exercises “with experienced instructors”, servicemen practiced a stealthy approach to a building and its storming.

Rearmament. Development of infrastructure

On July 8, Andrei Seviarynchyk, the head of the Anti-Aircraft Missile Troops Department of the Belarusian Air Force and Air Defense Forces Command, said that “Buk-MB SAM systems will be delivered to the troops in the near future.” According to the official, the SAM systems of the Belarusian Armed Forces are “equipped with anti-drone systems.” There is also constant interaction with EW units and the arming with new EW means, which provide direct coverage of both SAM systems and covered objects from UAVs.

The Ministry of Defense of Belarus plans to purchase a batch of 10-inch Chimera CX10 FPV drones from the Chinese company iFlight by the end of 2024. One drone costs $329.99 in the official online store of the company. However, the Ministry of Defense plans to spend ≈BYN 460,000 ($8,951) each to purchase 16 Chimera CX10. We may assume that the Chimera CX10 will be used to train FPV drone operators in the Belarusian Armed Forces.

In 2026, the repair and modernization of the infrastructure of the 2766th fuel base of the Belarusian Armed Forces (military unit 55461), located in Zhlobin district, should be completed. The project implementation started back in 2019. However, in 2022, the construction was stopped for unknown reasons. In 2024, the realization of the project, financed from the budget of the “Union State”, was resumed. Modernization of the base’s infrastructure will make it possible to increase production capacity for fuel delivery to the troops.

The Babruisk Operational Department of the Belarusian Armed Forces is holding tenders to organize repair works of the facilities of the 465th Missile Brigade of the Belarusian Armed Forces (military unit 61732) stationed in Asipovichy. In particular, it is planned to repair the guardhouse and control-technical point. We recall that in early June, it became known about the construction of two new storage facilities for the Iskander-M missile systems in Asipovichy. The construction of the facilities continues. As of July 6, the second storage facility for the equipment was covered with a roof. Construction of other facilities of unknown (so far) purpose is also continuing on the territory of the military town.

In 2024, the State Border Committee of Belarus has planned to prepare for the construction of two new border outposts on the Belarus-Ukraine border. The facilities will be located in Loyeu and Naroulia districts of Homiel region. Since 2022, the strengthening of border infrastructure on the Belarus-Ukraine border has been intensified.


On June 27, a ceremony of graduation was held at the Military Faculty of Belarusian State Academy of Aviation. The faculty trains specialists in controlling UAVs. In the photo from the graduation ceremony, one could notice a graduate with the arm badge of the 231st Artillery Brigade. The brigade is part of the Northwestern Operational Command of the Ground Forces and is stationed in Barouka, Lepel district. Sending a specialist to the brigade may mean that the UAV detachment in the 231st Brigade has either already been formed or its formation will be completed in the near future.

On July 1, the first graduation took place at the military department of Brest State Technical University. The first officer rank “lieutenant” was awarded to 139 graduates.

On July 5, 13 military paramedics received retraining diplomas and warrant officer shoulder straps at the Military Medical Institute.

In the evening of July 11, Ukrainian monitoring Telegram channels reported that a Russian UAV of the Shahed-131/136 type, launched against Ukraine, flew into the territory of Belarus. It is known that the drone was in the airspace of the country for at least 1 hour. The flight area of Shahed-131/136 was patrolled by a helicopter and a fighter of the Belarusian Air Force. And on the night of July 12-13, during another missile attack against Ukraine, the Russian Shahed-131/136 again flew into the airspace of Belarus. The drone flew over the territory of the country for more than 350 kilometers. At about 05:00 on July 13, a Mi-24 helicopter and a Su-30SM fighter of the Belarusian Air Force were raised on alert to intercept it. It is unknown what happened to the drone afterwards.