Review of military events

Review of military events in Belarus on February 5-11

Combat training, activities of the Internal Troops and territorial defense.

The Internal Service Statute of the Belarusian Armed Forces was amended to remove the liability of soldiers for harm to citizens as a result of the use of weapons.

A number of combat training activities were reported. These included training at the ‘Khrenin’s line’, field drills, and a military training session with reservists. Training of the Belarusian Armed Forces and Internal Troops by PMC Wagner continued.

The opening of a new border outpost on the border with Ukraine was reported. A new batch of quadcopters was delivered to the troops.

Combat training

From January 31 to February 6, a readiness inspection of the on-duty forces was conducted in the Northwestern Operational Command. The purpose of the inspection was to assess the readiness of duty forces units to fulfill the assigned tasks. During the inspection, soldiers practiced the organization of interaction between reconnaissance, UAV and artillery units. During the performance of combat training tasks, multirotor-type UAVs were used, as well as software systems that allow units to be controlled in a single informational space. The final stage of the inspection was the control firing with small arms, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery systems.

On February 5, personnel of one of the units of the 56th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment went to Pinsk district to conduct field drills. They practice elements of combat coordination, tactical and special training in the field.

On February 5, one of the units of the 78th Mechanized Battalion of the 6th Mechanized Brigade was redeployed to the vicinity of Saki village, Zhabinka district, to conduct tactical training at the “resistance area of the Kobryn fortified area”. The training was conducted using the unit’s regular equipment, including BMP-2, AGS-17 automatic grenade launchers, mortars and UAVs. The unit practiced active defense.

Field drills continued in the rocket artillery divizion of the 350th Artillery Group. Under the guidance of the divizion commander, comprehensive training with combat firing was conducted. The crews of the Grad MLRS fulfilled firing tasks in difficult meteorological conditions. The UAV detachment of the 6th Mechanized Brigade was used to adjust the fire.

On February 6, a training on the organization of access control and repelling an attack on the military unit’s facilities was held in the units of the 1st Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment. During the training, the personnel of the on-duty unit demonstrated the destruction of UAVs using the MR-155 Baikal shotgun.

A joint staff training was held in the Western Operational Command. During the training, they worked out issues related to the conduct of combat operations in defense.

On February 7, a comprehensive special training was held with soldiers of the 120th Mechanized Brigade. The mortar crews hit targets at a distance of up to five kilometers with the 2S12 Sani 120-mm mortar. Fire targeting and adjustment was carried out with the help of UAVs and reconnaissance units.

On February 8, the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Belarus conducted a combat readiness inspection. It involved anti-aircraft missile and radio-technical troops, as well as aviation.

On February 8, a training on combat in an urban environment was held with soldiers of the 22nd Special Purpose Company. They practiced the basic operations of storming buildings (approach to the building, inspection of stairwells and rooms).

Training with the 202nd Mechanized Battalion of the 6th Mechanized Brigade by PMC Wagner continues at the Obuz-Liasnouski training ground. They conducted exercises in firing with the AGS-17 grenade launcher and the Konkurs missile system. They also practiced storming buildings and adjusting fire with the help of UAVs. The battalion has been training since January 10.

On February 9, firearms training was conducted with soldiers of the 339th Separate Mechanized Battalion of the 120th Mechanized Brigade. The BTR-82A crews hit targets at a distance of up to 3500 meters from closed firing positions. Fire adjustment was carried out using multirotor-type UAVs. This was the first time the Belarusian Armed Forces conducted firing from closed firing positions using the BTR-82A.

A unit of the 115th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment holds field drills. During the training, servicemen practiced firing the Igla MANPADS to hit targets flying at low altitude, negotiating through open communication channels, acting in case of an ambush, and first aid.

The training of artillery crews of the 111th Artillery Brigade continues. Practical exercises are conducted both during the day and at night.

The training of military instructors of the Belarusian Armed Forces continues at the 333rd combat training center of the Russian Armed Forces. In the training, special attention is paid to reconnaissance with the use of UAVs, the use of flamethrower systems, and training in tactical medicine. The servicemen improve their small arms firing skills, practice driving combat vehicles, pass a psychological obstacle course, and get engineering training skills

Military commissariats and territorial defense

During the week, trainings were reported on the organization of notification, collection and delivery of mobilization resources, military registration and reservation of persons liable for military service in organizations and village executive committees, as well as on the performance of military transport duties. It was reported on the conduct of trainings on the deployment of the reception and collection point for persons liable for military service and inspections of organizations for the provision of means of transport.

On February 5, an open mobile trial was held in the military commissariat of Zhlobin district. The court considered the criminal case of evasion from military service (Article 435 p.1 of the Criminal Code of Belarus). The court found the citizen guilty and sentenced him to 2 months of arrest.

On February 5, an open mobile trial was held in the military commissariat of Drahichyn district. The court considered the criminal case of evasion from draft to military service (Article 435 p.1 of the Criminal Code of Belarus). The court found the conscript guilty and sentenced him to a fine of 80 base rates.

On February 7, representatives of executive committees and military commissariats of Homiel Region held a demonstrative training on the organization of territorial defense in Dobrush. During the training, the mechanism of organizing territorial defense (including the reception of persons liable for military service drafted from the reserve) was practiced.

On February 6, military commissariats of Minsk region sent 23 conscripts to a military training session. Military commissariats of Mahiliou region also sent at least 13 persons liable for military service to the 72nd joint training center for a training session.

On February 6, a military training session with the 147th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment began. At least 10 reservists were drafted to the training session.

On February 7, the 111th Artillery Brigade began a training session for persons liable for military service. At least 11 reservists were drafted to the training session.

A training session with persons liable for military service began at the 56th Separate Signal Regiment. At least 10 people were drafted to the training session.


On February 7-8, a joint mobilization training of military commissariats was held under the leadership of the military commissar of Minsk region on the topic “Management of mobilization of citizens and vehicles on the administrative territory in a crisis situation in the state, which could escalate into an internal armed conflict”. The management of the training session reviewed the conclusions from the assessment of the mobilization situation and gave recommendations to improve the tasking of officials of the military commissariat of the region. A training with officials of the control group was conducted at the prescribed time. Their actions were highly assessed.

Internal Troops

Training of servicemen of special-purpose units of the Internal Troops by PMC Wagner continues. Trainings on storming trenches and clearing buildings were conducted. The covert advance of the group with fire support of the cover group was practiced in order to clear the trench and destroy the enemy.

On February 8, at a meeting of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, commander of the Internal Troops Mikalai Karpiankou said that in 2023, more than 7000 servicemen were engaged in defense of the state border. Last year, the combat and mobilization readiness measures were also fully practiced, and volunteer units of special forces veterans were formed. Ten special-purpose detachments were established, their task is to provide support to operative officers during the arrest of dangerous criminals, counter-terrorist actions and the fight against illegal armed groups. In 2024, the Special Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be effectively used.

On February 9, the sixth season of the training course for special units of the Internal Troops ended. Internal Troops Commander Mikalai Karpiankou said that “this is far from the last training session” and that they “will start a new special course on combat coordination of special purpose units”. At the end of the course, each serviceman received a special chevron. In total, more than 1600 people have undergone such training sessions.

Training and methodological training sessions with snipers were held in the Internal Troops. For five days, the servicemen studied theoretical basics and practiced their acquired skills. One of the issues practiced at the training was the conduct of counter-sniper operations. The exercises were conducted using the Dragunov sniper rifle.

Border guard agencies

On February 8, the opening of the Makhro border outpost complex of the Pinsk Border Guard Detachment took place. The new outpost is located in Makhro village (Ivanava district, Brest region). It protects a section of the state border with Ukraine, which is more than 30 kilometers long. The guard line is equipped with the Voron fiber-optic alarm system with video surveillance, a control and trace line, an automated technical observation post, observation towers, and various engineering barriers. Preparations for the construction of the outpost infrastructure facilities began in early 2023.

Military equipment

The 11th Mechanized Brigade is actively manufacturing and installing anti-drone canopies on armored vehicles. And to enhance armor protection of infantry fighting vehicles, the Contact-1 dynamic protection is used.

Based on the statements of Belarusian military officials, we can conclude that the Belarusian Armed Forces will not receive a number of armaments from Russia in the near future, the delivery of which was announced earlier. These are the Su-30SM fighters, BTR-82A armored personnel carriers, and Iskander-M missile systems.

The 815th technical support center of the Western Operational Command has mastered the repair and sewing of truck awnings. The center’s servicemen make about 100 awnings for various purposes per year.

Units of the Belarusian Armed Forces began manufacturing weapon mock-ups. Mock-ups of various types of weapons are used during the war in Ukraine as false targets.

Work is in progress to organize the supply of a mobile bathing and laundry station to material support units. It is designed for prompt bathing and laundry services for units operating in isolation from the main forces, reconnaissance groups, and others.

Enterprises of the State Authority for Military Industry modernized the V-200 Polonez MLRS in service with the Belarusian Armed Forces to the level of the V-300 Polonez-M.

New batches of quadcopter-type UAVs were transferred to the 6th and 11th Mechanized Brigades. The equipment received included DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise and DJI Matrice 30 Series quadcopters.

Amendments to legislation

Amendments were made to the Internal Service Statute of the Belarusian Armed Forces. One of them is a norm that removes any liability from servicemen for harm caused by the use of physical force, military equipment or weapons. Most likely, these changes are an echo of the 2020 protests, when the Belarusian Armed Forces were involved to suppress street protests.


According to satellite images, 25 hangars (canopies) of various types were built on the territory of the 969th tank reserve base from 2017 to 2024. The relocation of untouchable reserve equipment from open areas to canopies is carried out primarily to improve storage conditions. The consequence of these works is greater secrecy of storage, as the possibility of fixing changes in its quantity is almost completely excluded.

On February 9, the board of the State Authority for Military Industry held a meeting to summarize the results of its activities in 2023. It was noted that the state defense procurement order for 2023 was fully fulfilled. In 2024, the State Authority for Military Industry plans to develop rocket engineering and anti-drone warfare. It was decided to work on the development of an anti-drone complex based on new principles of destruction (using a laser). Work also began on the development of a two-engine multi-purpose aircraft.