Review of military events

Review of military events in Belarus on February 19-25

Combat training, activities of the Internal Troops and territorial defense.

The artillery units of the Belarusian Armed Forces will receive modernized Uragan MLRS. The modernized BMP-1KSh command staff vehicle is being tested.

A number of combat training activities were reported. These included training of mechanized units at ‘Khrenin’s line’, as well as training with the territorial defense.

In 2025, drills of the “regional group of troops” will be held on the territory of Belarus. A new special purpose detachment was formed in the Internal Troops.

International cooperation

On February 20, foreign military attachés visited the facilities of the border guard service on the border with Lithuania. The representatives of the military agencies got acquainted with the specifics of service at the section of the Smarhon Border Guard Group and the Cynological Center.

Combat training

Training continued with soldiers of one of the battalions of the 11th Mechanized Brigade at ‘Khrenin’s line’ in Zhabinka district.

On February 22, an artillery fire control training with battalion commanders was held in the 6th Mechanized Brigade. During the training, the soldiers practiced adjusting artillery fire at a small artillery training ground.

On February 22, the Minister of Defense of Belarus said that in 2025, drills of the “regional group of troops” of Belarus and Russia would be held on the territory of Belarus. Since 2009, strategic drills “West” or operational drills ” Union Shield” have been held every two years on the territory of both countries. Eight such drills have been held from 2009 to 2022.

Military commissariats and territorial defense

On February 20, representatives of district and city executive committees of Mahiliou region held trainings on territorial defense in Cherykau.

On February 20, the military commissariat of Barysau and Krupki districts held a selection of candidates for military training sessions for the 8th NBC Protection Brigade. At least 15 reservists were invited to the selection.

On February 20, the military commissariat of Vitsiebsk district held an open mobile trial. The court considered the criminal case of evasion from military service (p.1 Art.435 of the Criminal Code). The court found the person guilty and sentenced him to 1 year of imprisonment (suspended), as well as 60 hours of community service and a fine of 30 base rates.

On February 20-21, a sudden inspection of the territorial defense management bodies was held in Miory district. The purpose of the inspection was to assess the readiness of the district to form territorial troops and to fulfill the assigned tasks. As part of the inspection, persons liable for military service and national home guard units were trained.

On February 21, the military commissariat of Brest city and Brest district held a training with reserve officers assigned to the territorial troops.

On February 21, two persons liable for military service returned to Lepel district from the military training session held at the 72nd joint training center. The military commissariat of Hrodna region also reported about the return of three conscripts from the military training session.

Internal Troops

A new special purpose detachment, Granit, was formed on the basis of the 1st Separate Special Militia Brigade of the Internal Troops. The detachment became the tenth special forces unit formed recently. The detachment’s main tasksinclude combating illegal armed formations and sabotage and reconnaissance groups, providing forceful support to operatives in detaining dangerous criminals, and strengthening the protection of the state border.

A training session with volunteers who had previously served in special purpose units was held at the training center of the Internal Troops. The training program included blocking and storming a settlement and positions occupied by the enemy. The reservists are developing their skills in fire, sniper and engineer-sapper training. They are practicing the issues of adjusting mortar and grenade launcher fire, as well as the use of FPV drones.

Military equipment

The 11th Mechanized Brigade continues to produce anti-drone canopies. These devices play an important role in increasing protection against modern threats such as drones, which can cause serious damage to armored vehicles on the battlefield. Thanks to these canopies, the shells explode above or away from the tank, keeping the vehicle operational and, more importantly, the crew alive.

The first batch of 9K57 Uragan MLRS of the 111th Artillery Brigade was sent for modernization. During the modernization, the engines and communications equipment will be replaced, the guns will be fitted with electronic tablets with software. The modernization will help to increase the range and cross-country capability of the MLRS and reduce the time required to strike the enemy with fire.

Tests of the modernized BMP-1KSh command staff vehicle equipped with modern digital radios were successfully conducted at the Asipovichski training ground.

On February 20, Lukashenka said that the Belarusian Armed Forces received two anti-aircraft missile divizion sets of the S-400 system and two more divizion sets of Iskander-M systems from Russia. He also said that tactical nuclear weapons were deployed on the territory of the country. At the moment, there is still no reliable data that would confirm the presence of nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus.